Yield and nutritional quality of intercropped forages for organic production in a hot-summer Mediterranean oak grassland ecosystem
Javier Plaza

Forage cultivation plays a pivotal role in sustaining ruminants in resource-limited ecosystems such as the hot-summer Mediterranean agroforestry systems of the Iberian Peninsula comprising oak trees (Quercus spp.) and grassland species. Intercropping techniques can enhance forage yields and nutritional quality.
This study assessed the yield and nutritional quality of organic forage mixtures in an Iberian oak grassland ecosystem.
Six forage associations were assessed over two growing seasons: vetch (Vicia sativa L.)–triticale (Triticum × Secale), vetch–rye (Secale cereale), vetch–oat (Avena sativa), pea (Pisum sativum L.)–triticale, pea–rye, and pea–oat. The data were analysed using a multivariate procedure.
Differences in forage composition influenced nutritional quality but not yield. Vetch-based associations exhibited higher crude protein, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, magnesium, manganese and sulfur contents, along with lower proportions of neutral-detergent fibre and ether extract. The vetch–oat mixture emerged as the highest quality association. Interannual variations in precipitation and temperature caused differences in forage yield, with greater values observed in 2020 than in 2019. Forage associations also had significantly higher nutritional quality in 2020 (increased protein and mineral content, and decreased neutral detergent fibre and lignin).
All forages demonstrated satisfactory performance and quality, even in the drier conditions of 2019, suggesting high resilience and adaptability to hot-summer Mediterranean oak grassland ecosystems.
The findings of this study are relevant for organic farmers in resource-limited ecosystems. This information empowers them to select the most suitable forage species based on the specific agroclimatic conditions of each growing season.
Keywords: cereals, forages, hot-summer Mediterranean oak grassland ecosystem, intercropping, legumes, limiting edaphoclimatic conditions, nutritional quality, organic production.
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