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Crop and Pasture Science Crop and Pasture Science Society
Plant sciences, sustainable farming systems and food quality

Losses in herbage and seed yields caused by subterranean clover mottle sobemovirus in grazed subterranean clover swards

DG Ferris and RAC Jones

Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 46(4) 775 - 791
Published: 1995


Subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) was grown in swards into which small plants infected with subterranean clover mottle sobemovirus (SCMoV) were transplanted. Initial spread was mainly to plants adjacent to infected transplants and occurred during grazing and trampling by sheep. New sites of infection subsequently formed away from the original infection sites. Spread occurred mainly in spring and its extent varied with cultivar, site and year. Final SCMoV incidence in swards ranged from 17% of plants infected by isolate MJ in cv. Karridale in 1993 to 60% by isolate P23 in cv. Dinninup in 1991. With cvv. Dinninup and Junee, in two experiments SCMoV-infection decreased yields within patches with symptoms by 11-26% (herbage) and 5-31% (seed); in one of these experiments infection decreased overall yields of herbage by 9-10% and seed by 10-31%. In an experiment with cvv. Dalkeith and Woogenellup, SCMoV-induced overall herbage yield decreases of 10-13% were recorded despite extensive virus spread to control swards; yield losseswithin affected patches were 20-28% for herbage and 19% for seed. In an experiment with cw. Karridale and Woogenellup, SCMoV-induced yield losses within patches with symptoms were 38-44% for herbage and 15-41% for seed. Decreased seed size (mean seed weight) and fewer seeds both contributed to the diminished seed yields. Estimates of the effects of different levels of SCMoV infection on herbage yields were obtained for cv. Woogenellup by plotting dry weight data from (i) individual quadrats against percent plants with symptoms within them and (ii) whole plots against percent plot infection determined by ELISA. Losses increased in proportion to the level of infection. SCMoV infection of subterranean clover pastures not only decreases the feed available but also the seed bank which, when compounded over several years, leads to pasture deterioration. Heavy grazing, reseeding the pasture with susceptible cultivars and extended growing seasons are all likely to magnify SCMoV-induced losses.

Keywords: pasture; subterranean clover; subterranean clover mottle virus; sward; grazing; virus spread patterns; losses; herbage yield; seed yield; seed bank; pasture deterioration

© CSIRO 1995

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