Mining synthetic hexaploids for multiple disease resistance to improve bread wheat
F. C. Ogbonnaya A E F G , M. Imtiaz A , H. S. Bariana B , M. McLean A , M. M. Shankar C , G. J. Hollaway A , R. M. Trethowan B , E. S. Lagudah D and M. van Ginkel A EA Primary Industries Research Victoria (PIRVic), Department of Primary Industries, Private Bag 260, Horsham, Vic. 3401, Australia.
B University of Sydney Plant Breeding Institute-Cobbitty, PMB11, Camden, NSW 2570, Australia.
C Department of Agriculture, South Perth, WA 6151, Australia.
D CSIRO Division of Plant Industry, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.
E Molecular Plant Breeding Cooperative Research Centre, Bundoora, Vic. 3083, Australia.
F Current address: International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), PO Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria.
G Corresponding author. Email:
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 59(5) 421-431
Submitted: 14 June 2007 Accepted: 14 November 2007 Published: 12 May 2008
A collection of 253 synthetic hexaploid wheats (SHWs) produced from 192 Aegilops tauschii accessions and 39 elite durum varieties were studied to identify, characterise, and evaluate potentially untapped diversity of disease resistance in wheat. The diseases for which resistance was sought included cereal cyst nematode (CCN), root lesion nematode (RLN), Stagonospora nodorum blotch (SNB), Septoria tritici blotch (STB), and the 3 rusts, leaf rust, stem rust, and stripe rust, all important diseases of bread wheat worldwide, which can severely reduce wheat yield and quality. The SHWs exhibited a wide spectrum of resistance to the 8 pathogens. The frequency of disease-resistant SHWs ranged from 1% for one species of RLN (Pratylenchus neglectus), 3% and 10% for Septoria nodorum leaf and glume blotch, 10% for seedling resistance to yellow leaf spot, 16% for CCN, 21% for the second species of RLN (Pratylenchus thornei), 73% for Septoria tritici blotch, and 15%, 40%, and 24% for leaf rust, stem rust, and stripe rust, respectively. Five SHWs, Aus26860, Aus30258, Aus30294, Aus30301, and Aus30304, exhibited high levels of resistance to CCN, YLP, STB, LR, and SR, while 56 SHWs showed resistance to either 3 or 4 diseases. The genetics of resistance to CCN in some of the SHWs revealed that some of the accessions carry the same CCN gene(s) against pathotype Ha13, while others may carry different resistance gene(s). Additional studies were carried out to understand the relationship between the resistances identified in SHWs and the ones already present in common wheat, in particular the resistance genes Cre1 and Cre3 against CCN. The use of perfect markers associated with Cre1 and Cre3 suggested that some SHWs may carry a new CCN resistance gene(s), which could be deployed in breeding programs to increase the diversity of available resistance. The identification of SHWs with resistance to a range of diseases provides an opportunity to generate genetic knowledge and resistant germplasm to be used in future variety development.
Additional keywords: genetic diversity, synthetic hexaploid wheat, Aegilops tauschii, durum, Triticum aestivum.
The authors acknowledge financial support from the Grains Research and Development Corporation, the Department of Primary Industries Victoria, the Molecular Plant Breeding CRC, and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre. They thank J. Wilson, M. S. McLean, S. P. Taylor, J. P. Thompson, and A. Milgate for their assistance with the biological assays.
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