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Crop and Pasture Science Crop and Pasture Science Society
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Screening rhizobacteria for improving the growth, yield, and oil content of canola (Brassica napus L.)

H. N. Asghar, Z. A. Zahir and M. Arshad

Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 55(2) 187 - 194
Published: 01 March 2004


One hundred rhizobacteria previously isolated from the rhizospheres of Brassica species were screened for their growth promoting activity in Brassica napus L. under gnotobiotic conditions. Results revealed that 58% of the rhizobacteria increased root length (up to 139%), 39% enhanced shoot length (up to 78%), and shoot weight (up to 72%) of Brassica napus L. Based upon growth promotion of B. napus seedlings under gnotobiotic conditions, 10 promising plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) were selected and tested for their effectiveness in growth promotion, yield, and oil content of B. napus grown in pots. The pot trials revealed that inoculation with selected PGPR increased plant height, root length, number of branches per plant, stem diameter, number of pods per plant, 1000-grain weight, grain yield, and oil content over a range of 7–57% above the uninoculated control. These isolates were then assayed for their ability to produce auxins in vitro in the presence and absence of L-tryptophan. Regression analysis showed that in vitro auxin production by these bacteria was significantly related to the number of branches and oil content of B. napus. It is highly likely that improvement in growth and yield of the inoculated plants is due to an increase in the number of branches per plant, since there was a positive correlation of this growth parameter with the number of pods per plant, 1000-grain weight, grain yield, and seed oil content. Results indicated that simultaneous screening of rhizobacteria for growth promotion under gnotobiotic conditions and in vitro production of auxins could be a useful approach for selecting effective PGPR.

Keywords: plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria, auxins.

© CSIRO 2004

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