Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 62 Number 7 2009
CH09163Synthesis and Properties of Fullerene-Rich Dendrimers
Michel Holler and Jean-François Nierengarten
pp. 605-623
CH09104Recent Advances in the Total Synthesis of Polyketide Natural Products as Promising Anticancer Agents
Ian Paterson and Alison D. Findlay
pp. 624-638
CH09126Naturally Occurring Nitrogen–Sulfur Compounds. The Benzothiazole Alkaloids
Lucille Le Bozec and Christopher J. Moody
pp. 639-647
CH09148Organoiodine-Catalyzed Oxidative Spirocyclization of Phenols using Peracetic Acid as a Green and Economic Terminal Oxidant
Yutaka Minamitsuji, Daishi Kato, Hiromichi Fujioka, Toshifumi Dohi and Yasuyuki Kita
pp. 648-652
CH09211The Effect of Unsaturation on the Formation of Self-Assembled Gels from Fatty Acid L-Serine Amides and their Cytotoxicity Towards Caco-2 Cancer Cells
Li Yun Grace Lim, Yingying Su, Filip Braet and Pall Thordarson
pp. 653-656
CH09174Gold Catalysis: Chemoselective Indolin Synthesis in the Presence of Acrylate Units
A. Stephen K. Hashmi, Sebastian Wagner and Frank Rominger
pp. 657-666
CH09128The Absolute Configurations of Haliclonacyclamines A and B Determined by X-Ray Crystallographic Analysis
I. Wayan Mudianta, Mary J. Garson and Paul V. Bernhardt
pp. 667-670
CH09101Efficient Large-Scale Synthesis of CAT811, a Potent Calpain Inhibitor of Interest in the Treatment of Cataracts
Matthew A. Jones, James M. Coxon, Stephen B. McNabb, Janna M. Mehrtens, Nathan A. Alexander, Seth Jones, Hongyuan Chen, Clémence Buisan and Andrew D. Abell
pp. 671-675
CH09182 Formal Total Synthesis of (+)-Citrafungin A
Sammi Tsegay, Helmut Hügel and Mark A. Rizzacasa
pp. 676-682
CH09158A Total Synthesis of the Marine Alkaloid Ningalin B from (S)-Proline
Katrin Hasse, Anthony C. Willis and Martin G. Banwell
pp. 683-691
CH09142Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of a Conformationally Flexible Mixed Porphyrin Star-Pentamer
Toby D. M. Bell, Sheshanath V. Bhosale, Kenneth P. Ghiggino, Steven J. Langford and Clint P. Woodward
pp. 692-699
CH09166SN2 Substitution Reactions at the Amide Nitrogen in the Anomeric Mutagens, N-Acyloxy-N-alkoxyamides
Katie L. Cavanagh, Stephen A. Glover, Helen L. Price and Rhiannon R. Schumacher
pp. 700-710
CH09151Solid-State and Solution-Phase Conformations of Pseudoproline-Containing Dipeptides
Jack K. Clegg, James R. Cochrane, Nima Sayyadi, Danielle Skropeta, Peter Turner and Katrina A. Jolliffe
pp. 711-719
CH09301A Synthetic and Computational Investigation into the Direct Synthesis of ?-Hydroxymethylated Enones from ?-Keto Phosphonates
Sarah J. Ryan, Christopher D. Thompson and David W. Lupton
pp. 720-727
CH09165Ab Initio Studies of Carbonyl Radical Additions to Hydrazone Systems
Sara H. Kyne and Carl H. Schiesser
pp. 728-733
CH09010Conformational Analysis of 2-Formylselenophene by Means of 13C–1H, 13C–13C, and 77Se–1H Spin–Spin Coupling Constants
Yury Yu. Rusakov, Leonid B. Krivdin, Natalia V. Istomina, Ekaterina P. Levanova and Galina G. Levkovskaya
pp. 734-738
CH08547Synthesis of Epoxides Catalyzed by a Halide-Free Reaction-Controlled Phase-Transfer Catalytic System: [(CH3(CH2)17)2N(CH3)2]3[PW4O32]/H2O2/Dioxan/Olefin
Yong Ding, Baochun Ma, Dejie Tong, Hui Hua and Wei Zhao
pp. 739-746
CH09077Hydrogen Peroxide and Molecular Iodine: a Very Useful Reagent System
Sabrina B. Ferreira
pp. 747-747