Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 22 Number 6 1969
CH9691123Normal coordinate analysis of diacetylene and dicyanoacetylene
K Ramaswamy and K Spinivasan
pp. 1123-1128
CH9691129Trimethylaluminium: Scrambling of methyl groups in the dimer and exchange with trimethylgallium
EA Jeffery and T Mole
pp. 1129-1136
CH9691137Tetraphenylborate derivatives of titanium(III)
RSP Coutts, B Kautzner and PC Wailes
pp. 1137-1141
CH9691143Reactions of some conjugated diynes with cobalt carbonyl compounds
RS Dickson and GR Tailby
pp. 1143-1148
CH9691149Organotin complexes with ethyl and benzyl sulphoxides
W Kitching, CJ Moore and D Doddrell
pp. 1149-1155
CH9691157The configurations and P.M.R. spectra of iodo lactones and oxymercurials derived from some 5-Norbornene-2-endo-carboxylic acids
DN Ford, W Kitching and PR Wells
pp. 1157-1168
CH9691177Kinetics of the successive chlorination of 1,2-dichloroethane in the liquid phase
DS Caines, RB Paton, DA Williams and PR Wilkinson
pp. 1177-1187
CH9691193Bromination of p-bromophenol. II. Catalysis by iodine and anhydrous aluminium chloride
J Rajaram and JC Kuriacose
pp. 1193-1198
CH9691199The nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of pyrrole and [N-D]pyrrole
GF Katekar and AG Moritz
pp. 1199-1206
CH9691207Skeletal-rearrangement fragments in the mass spectra of β-thiopropionic acid derivatives
JH Bowie, DB Cobb, L Dalgaard, JO Madsen and S Lawesson
pp. 1207-1217
CH9691219Electron impact studies. XLVIII. Specific hydrogen-rearrangements in the mass spectra of ortho-alkoxyanils
JH Bowie and PJ Hoffmann
pp. 1219-1227
CH9691229Photochemistry of α-diketones. II. Some photo-oxidation reactions
GE Gream, JC Paice and CCR Ramsay
pp. 1229-1247
CH9691249Photochemistry of α-diketones. III. Some photochemical reactions of 1,1,4.4-Tetramethyl-2,3-dioxotetralin in carbon tetrachloride
GE Gream and JC Paice
pp. 1249-1255
CH9691265The diterpenes of Dacrydium colensoi. VIII. Sandaracopimaradien-19-ol and 2α-Carboxycolensen-2β-ol
PK Grant, C Huntrakul and JM Robertson
pp. 1265-1270
CH9691271Tumour inhibitory plants. The alkaloids of Bruguiera sexangula and Bruguiera exaristata (Rhizophoraceae)
JW Loder and GB Russell
pp. 1271-1275
CH9691277New aporphine alkaloids from Beilschmiedia podagrica
SR Johns, JA Lamberton, AA Sioumis and HJ Tweeddale
pp. 1277-1281
CH9691283Alkaloids of Jasminum species (family Oleaceae). II. Isolation of a new monoterpenoid alkaloid and other constituents
NK Hart, SR Johns and JA Lamberton
pp. 1283-1290
CH9691291Synthesis of polydepsipeptides with regularly repeating unit sequences
FHC Stewart
pp. 1291-1298
CH9691299 Dielectric absorption in methyl and ethyl esters of long-chain acids
NE Robinson and HK Welsh
pp. 1299-1301
CH9691305 The relative sign of the proton-proton couplings in diazine N-oxide
AG Moritz and DB Paul
pp. 1305-1307
CH9691309 Alkaloids of Argyrodendron peralatum (Sterculiaceae): Identification of Nα-cinnamoylhistamine
SR Johns, JA Lamberton, JW Loder, AH Redcliffe and AA Sioumis
pp. 1309-1310
CH9691311 The alkaloids of Neolitsea pubescens (Lauraceae)
SR Johns, JA Lamberton and AA Sioumis
pp. 1311-1312
CH9691313 Identification of (–)-armepavine as the major leaf alkaloid of Cryptocarya archboldiana (Lauraceae)
SR Johns, JA Lamberton and HJ Tweeddale
pp. 1313-1313
CH9691317 Alkaloids of Lycopodium volubile (Lycopodiaceae)
SR Johns, JA Lamberton and AA Sioumis
pp. 1317-1318
CH9691321 Reduction of 1-arylpyrroles by metal-ammonia solutions
AJ Birch, RW Rickards and KJS Stapleford
pp. 1321-1323
CH9691337 Alcoholysis of the Merrifield-type peptide-polymer bond with an anion exchange resin
W Pereira, VA Close, E Jellum, W Patton and B Halpern
pp. 1337-1340