Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 20 Number 12 1967
CH9672567Faradaic impedance measurements of the ferrous/ferric citrate system
D Elliott
pp. 2567-2573
CH9672575Electro-osmosis and hydrogen-ion transport in cation-exchange membranes
R Arnold and DA Swift
pp. 2575-2582
CH9672623Octahedral cobalt(III) complexes in dipolar aprotic solvents. XI. Anation of cis-chlorodimethylformamidebisethylenediaminecobalt(III) by bromide ion, and solvolysis and isomerization of cis-and trans-bromochlorobisethylenediaminecobalt(III) ions in anhydrous N,N-dimethylformamide
IR Lantzke and DW Watts
pp. 2623-2632
CH9672633Activity coefficient assumptions in the determination of the association constant of thallium(I) chloride. III. Effects of other association reactions
KH Khoo and MH Panckhurst
pp. 2633-2640
CH9672641Organoaluminium compounds. XII. A kinetic study of alkyl group exchange between trimethylaluminium and dimethylethylaluminium etherates
NS Ham, EA Jeffery, T Mole and JK Saunders
pp. 2641-2645
CH9672647Catalytic deuterium exchange reactions with organics. XXXVI. The labelling of (–)-inositol on self-activated platinum oxide with and without radiation
SJ Angyal, CM Fernandez and JL Garnett
pp. 2647-2653
CH9672655Mass spectrometric studies. II. β-Phenylglycidic esters and amides
J Baldas and QN Porter
pp. 2655-2668
CH9672669The mass spectra of [18]annulene derivatives. Skeletal rearrangement upon electron impact
GM Badger, JH Bowie, JA Elix, GE Lewis and UP Singh
pp. 2669-2676
CH9672677Electron impact studies. XVIII. Mass spectra of pyridazines, phthalazines, and related compounds
JH Bowie, RG Cooks, PF Donaghue, JA Halleday and HJ Rodda
pp. 2677-2690
CH9672701Proton magnetic resonance spectra, configuration, and conformation of 4-substituted prolines
RH Andreatta, V Nair and AV Robertson
pp. 2701-2713
CH9672715Synthesis of the tumour-inhibitory alkaloids, ellipticine, 9-methoxyellipticine, and related pyrido[4,3-b]carbazoles
LK Dalton, S Demerac, BC Elmes, JW Loder, JM Swan and T Teitei
pp. 2715-2727
CH9672729Isothiazole chemistry. IV. Cyanide cleavage of the S-N bond in 3-hydroxyisothiazole
WD Crow and I Gosney
pp. 2729-2736
CH9672737Extractives of Australian timbers. VIII. Emmolactone, a bisnor-triterpene
RA Eade, J Ellis and JJH Simes
pp. 2737-2749
CH9672761Molecular interaction in binary liquid mixtures
Chowdary M Chandraiah and VR Krishnan
pp. 2761-2763
CH9672765Comment on the anomalous paramagnetism of [Fe(NCS)2 phen2]
AT Casey and F Isaac
pp. 2765-2766
CH9672771The preparation and properties of some quaternary arsonium compounds
R Armstrong, NA Gibson, JW Hosking and DC Weatherburn
pp. 2771-2776
CH9672777Photochemical reactions of azo compounds. XIV. Photochemical cyclodehydrogenation of 4,4'-Bis(phenylazo)diphenylmethane
NC Jamieson and GE Lewis
pp. 2777-2781
CH9672783Stability constants of complexes of resacetophenone oxime.
V Seshagiri and SB Rao
pp. 2783-2784
CH9672785Preparation of methyl cis-α,β-Di(2-pyrrolyl)acrylate
GM Badger, GE Lewis and UP Singh
pp. 2785-2787
CH9672789Diterpenoids. XIV. 4-Epidehydroabietic acid from the oleoresin of Callitris columellaris F. Muell
RM Carman and HC Deeth
pp. 2789-2793
CH9672795(±)-N-Benzoyl[2-hydroxy-2-(4'-methoxyphenyl)]ethylamine from Clausena brevistyla Oliver (family Rutaceae)
SR Johns, JA Lamberton and JR Price
pp. 2795-2797
CH9672803The chemical composition of wool. IV. The quantity of each histological component.
JH Bradbury and NLR King
pp. 2803-2807
CH9672809The reaction of 1-Fluoro-2,6-dinitrobenzene with some amino acids
JFK Wilshire
pp. 2809-2811