Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 19 Number 5 1966
CH9660725A study of the non-stoicheiometric, lime-type phase occurring in the system Ca-O-N
DJM Bevan, FJ Lincoln and FD Richardson
pp. 725-732
CH9660741Spectral and structural studies of some Group VIA dioxydihalides
CG Barraclough and J Stals
pp. 741-750
CH9660759Halides and oxide halides of molybdenum and tungsten. II. Magnetic evidence for trinuclear clusters in tungsten(V) halides
R Colton and IB Tomkins
pp. 759-763
CH9660765An ion-exchange process with thermal regeneration. IV. Equilibria in a mixed bed of weak-electrolyte resins
DE Weiss, BA Bolto, R McNeill, AS MacPherson, R Siudak, EA Swinton and D Willis
pp. 765-789
CH9660791An ion-exchange process with thermal regeneration. V. Multistage operation
DE Weiss, BA Bolto, R McNeill, AS MacPherson, R Siudak, EA Swinton and D Willis
pp. 791-796
CH9660797cCorrigenda - The mechanism of hydrogenation of coal to methane
JD Blackwood and DJ McCarthy
pp. 797-813
CH9660815The catalytic isomerization of allylbenzene in the presence of palladium(II) chloride
B Cruikshank and NR Davies
pp. 815-824
CH9660841 N.M.R. spectra of 'p-nitrosophenol' and its methyl derivatives
RK Norris and S Sternhell
pp. 841-860
CH9660861Isolation of (–)-Kaur-16-en-19-oic acid and 15β-Hydroxy-(–)-kaur-16-en-l9-oic acid from Phebalium rude Bartl
JR Cannon, PW Chow, PR Jefferies and GV Meehan
pp. 861-867
CH9660869cCorrigenda - Some reactions of 1,4-Bischlorocarbonylpiperazine
DE Rivett and JFK Wilshire
pp. 869-875
CH9660877Catalytic deuterium exchange reactions with organics. XXV. Catalytic self-activation and E.P.R. studies with Group VIII transition metal oxides
IT Ernst, B Fisher, JL Garnett and WA Sollich-Baumgartner
pp. 877-879
CH9660893Alkaloids of the Australian Leguminosae. VI. Alkaloids of Petalostylus labicheoides var. casseoides Benth
SR Johns, JA Lamberton and AA Sioumis
pp. 893-893
CH9660897The calculation of positive ancl negative spin densities in aromatic free radicals
FC Adam and WG Laidlaw
pp. 897-904