Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 6 Number 2 1953
CH9530109Study of adsorption on metals by the contact potential technique
JR Anderson and AE Alexander
pp. 109-122
CH9530123Studies of aggregation in soap solutions containing salt and simple organic molecules
G Stainsby and AE Alexander
pp. 123-134
CH9530143The reaction between acetone and ammonia. III. Reduced pyridine, deriviaties
NC Hancox
pp. 143-151
CH9530156Studies on the lignin of Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell. VII. The acid hydrolysis of ethanyol lignin-A
JWT Merewether
pp. 156-161
CH9530166The essential oil of Myoporum crassifolium Forst
KG O'Brien, AR Penfold and RL Werner
pp. 166-172
CH9530173Alkaloids of the Australian Rutaceae: Medicosma cunninghamii Hook. F
BJA Lamberton and JR Price
pp. 173-179