Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 43 Number 12 1990
CH9901983Nitrate Selectivity of Ion-Exchange Resins and of Their Model Compounds. I. Conductance Measurements on Benzyltrialkylammonium Salts
BJ Steel, AS Kayaalp, T Kurucsev, AD Ward and MB Jackson
pp. 1983-1990
CH9901991The Fate of CrO2F2 in Highly Acidic Media: Fluoride Loss, O-Protonation or F-Protonation?
CJ Marsden
pp. 1991-2002
CH9902003Polarographic Study of the Complexation of Na+ and K+ Ions by Dibenzo-18-crown-6 in Non-Aqueous Solution
E Lada, A Urbanczyk and MK Kalinowski
pp. 2003-2008
CH9902009Structural and Stereochemical Studies on Brominated Meroterpenoids From the Dictyoceratid Sponge Cacospongia sp.
DKL Bali, V Liokas, MJ Garson and DJ Faulkner
pp. 2009-2020
CH9902021The Electron Impact Induced Fragmentation of 1-Aryl-5-hydroxy-1,2,3-triazole-4-carboxamides
AT Lebedev, TY Samguina, T Blumenthal and MY Kolobov
pp. 2021-2026
CH9902027The Collision-Induced Dissociations of Deprotonated Isopropyl and t-Butyl Ketones. Some Unusual Alkyl Migrations
MJ Alexander, JH Bowie and RN Hayes
pp. 2027-2034
CH9902035Dicopper(II) Complexes of Spiro Macrobicycles With Aza and Thia Aza Donor Sets
PV Bernhardt, P Comba, LR Gahan and GA Lawrance
pp. 2035-2044
CH9902045Applications of Optically Active Aryl Cyanohydrins in the Synthesis of α-Hydroxy Aldehydes, α-Hydroxy Ketones and β-Hydroxy Amines
WR Jackson, HA Jacobs, GS Jayatilake, BR Matthews and KG Watson
pp. 2045-2062
CH9902063Septanose Carbohydrates. III. Oxidation-Reduction Products From 1,2-3,4-Di-O-isopropylidene-α-D-glucoseptanose: Preparation of L-Idose Derivatives
GE Driver and JD Stevens
pp. 2063-2081
CH9902083The X-Ray Crystal Structure of 1,2-3,4-Di-O-isopropylidene-4-C-methylthiomethoxy-β-L-arabino-hexoseptanos-5-ulose
DC Craig, VJ James and JD Stevens
pp. 2083-2086
CH9902087The X-Ray Crystal-Structure of 5-C-Methyl-α-L-idopyranose
DC Craig and JD Stevens
pp. 2087-2091
CH9902093The Synthesis of Some Esters of Glycerol With Special Attention to the Problem of Acyl Migration
SJ Cockman, CA Joll, BC Mortimer, TG Redgrave and RV Stick
pp. 2093-2097
CH9902099Studies in the Cycloproparene Series: Cycloaddition Reactions With 1,3-Diphenylisobenzofuran
B Halton and SGG Russell
pp. 2099-2105
CH9902107A Synthesis of the Lichen Dibenzofuran Pannaric Acid 6-Methyl Ester
JA Elix, SJ Pratt and JR Laundon
pp. 2107-2111
CH9902113Mixed-Halide Iodoargentate Anions: the Structural Characterization of (Ag3I3X)-, X= Cl, Br, I
GA Bowmaker, y Effend, JD Kildea, BW Skelton and AH White
pp. 2113-2117
CH9902119β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion of Adamantane Derivatives in Solution
R Palepu and VC Reinsborough
pp. 2119-2123