Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 48 Number 2 1995
CH9950155A Potential Surface Map of the H-/N2O System. The Gas Phase Ion Chemistry of HN2O-
JC Sheldon, RAJ Ohair, KM Downard, S Gronert, M Krempp, CH Depuy and JH Bowie
pp. 155-165
CH9950167 The Use of Dichlorodicyanobenzoquinone for Generating Radical Cations for E.S.R. Spectroscopy
AG Davies and KM Ng
pp. 167-173
CH9950185Cyclopent[a]iondene (Benzopentalene) and Pentalene: Pyrolytic Formation From 3-Phenyl- and 3-Vinyl-phthalic Anhydrides
RFC Brown, N Choi and FW Eastwood
pp. 185-198
CH9950199Styrylpyrone Derivatives From Goniothalamus dolichocarpus
SH Goh, GCL Ee, CH Chuah and C Wei
pp. 199-205
CH995020714N Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxation of the Nitrate Ion and Ion Pairing in Aqueous Solution
G Owens, P Guarilloff, BJ Steel and T Kurucsev
pp. 207-215
CH9950217The Chemistry of 5-Oxodihydroisoxazoles. XI. The Photolysis of 3-Hydroxy-4-phenylisoxazol-5(2H)-ones (Phenyldisic Acids)
RH Prager and JA Smith
pp. 217-226
CH9950227Synthesis of 3-Methyl-4-oxo-3,4-dihydroquinazoline-5-sulfonamide and a Herbicidal Sulfonylurea Derivative
S Bell, A Bonadio and KG Watson
pp. 227-232
CH9950233Intramolecular Homolytic Displacement. XXIII. Selectivity in the Induced Decomposition of Ethyl t-Butylperoxymethylpropenoate by Radicals Formed From Methyl Propanoate and Derivatives
M Degueilcastaing, C Navarro, F Ramon and B Maillard
pp. 233-240
CH9950241Maleimide-Fused Cyclobutadienes and Dewar Furans: Trapping With Dienes as a Route to Propellane Photosubstrates With Potential for Oxiren Production
RN Warrener, GM Elsey, IG Pitt and RA Russell
pp. 241-260
CH9950261Tandem Radical Cyclizations: a One-Step Synthesis of Stereoisomeric Tricyclo[,6]undecanes From Acyclic Precursors
DP Curran and SN Sun
pp. 261-267
CH9950269Amino Substituents as a Probe of Reactions of Phenyl Acetates With Cyclodextrins
CJ Easton, S Kassara, SF Lincoln and BL May
pp. 269-277
CH9950279Hydrogenolysis and One-Electron Reduction of Alkoxy Sulfones
M Julia, D Uguen and D Zhang
pp. 279-290
CH9950323The Chemistry of Novolac Resins. I. A Review on the Use of Models
MG Looney and DH Solomon
pp. 323-331
CH9950333Cyclization Reactions of Tethered Radicals Derived From 4-O-Substituted α-D-erythro-Octa-2,6-dienopyranosides: Stereoselective Access to Carbocycles and Branched-Chain Sugars
JC Lopez, AM Gomez and B Fraserreid
pp. 333-352
CH9950353Decomposition of N,N'-Diacyl-N,N'-dialkoxyhydrazines Revisited
JM Buccigross, SA Glover and CA Rowbottom
pp. 353-361
CH9950363Kinetic and Spectroscopic Studies on Acyl Radicals in Solution by Time-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy
CE Brown, AG Neville, DM Rayner, KU Ingold and J Lusztyk
pp. 363-379
CH9950381Cascade Radical Cyclization-Fragmentation-Transannular-Ring Expansion Reactions Involving Oximes. A New Approach to Synthesis of Angular Triquinanes
GJ Hollingworth, G Pattenden and DJ Schulz
pp. 381-399
CH9950401 Ab initio Predictions of the Gas-Phase Acidities of Diazirine and Diazomethane
AJ Russell, AP Scott and L Radom
pp. 401-405
CH9950407The Invention of Radical Reactions. XXXIII. Homologation Reactions of Carboxylic Acids by Radical Chain Chemistry
DHR Barton, CY Chern and JC Jaszberenyi
pp. 407-425
CH9950427Synthesis and Structure Determination of Gibberellin-Derived Antheridiogens From Fern Gametophytes of the Lygodium Genus
M Furber, P Kraftklaunzer, LN Mander, M Pour, T Yamauchi, N Murofushi, H Yamane and H Schraudolf
pp. 427-444