Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 52 Number 3 2004
BT03104Seasonal impacts on leaf attributes of several tree species growing in three diverse ecosystems of south-eastern Australia
Skye McPherson, Derek Eamus and Brad R. Murray
pp. 293-301
BT03119Tree growth rates in north Australian savanna habitats: seasonal patterns and correlations with leaf attributes
L. D. Prior, D. Eamus and D. M. J. S. Bowman
pp. 303-314
BT03145The impact of trampling on feldmark vegetation in Kosciuszko National Park, New South Wales
K. L. McDougall and G. T. Wright
pp. 315-320
BT03096White clover (Trifolium repens ) and associated viruses in the subalpine region of south-eastern Australia: implications for GMO risk assessment
R. C. Godfree, P. W. G. Chu and M. J. Woods
pp. 321-331
BT03159Pollination ecology of the Australian cycad Lepidozamia peroffskyana (Zamiaceae)
John A. Hall, Gimme H. Walter, Dana M. Bergstrom and Peter Machin
pp. 333-343
BT03097Improved germination of the Australian natives: Hibbertia commutata , Hibbertia amplexicaulis (Dilleniaceae), Chameascilla corymbosa (Liliaceae), and Leucopogon nutans (Epacridaceae)
Sally M. Allan, Steve W. Adkins, Christine A. Preston and Sean M. Bellairs
pp. 345-351
BT03002Pollination services provided by various size classes of flower visitors to Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus (Myrtaceae)
A. B. Hingston, B. M. Potts and P. B. McQuillan
pp. 353-369
BT03018The swift parrot Lathamus discolor (Psittacidae), social bees (Apidae), and native insects as pollinators of Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus (Myrtaceae)
A. B. Hingston, B. M. Potts and P. B. McQuillan
pp. 371-379
BT03156Effects of fire history on the structure and floristic composition of woody vegetation around Kalumburu, North Kimberley, Australia: a landscape-scale natural experiment
T. Vigilante and D. M. J. S. Bowman
pp. 381-404
BT03091AFLP and RAPD analyses of intra- and interspecific variation in some Vigna subgenus Ceratotropis (Leguminosae) species
P. Saravanakumar, A. Kaga, N. Tomooka and D. A. Vaughan
pp. 417-424
BT03130The risk of extinction resulting from disease caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi to endangered, vulnerable or rare plant species endemic to the Grampians, Western Victoria
Noushka Reiter, Gretna Weste and David Guest
pp. 425-433