Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 40 Number 2 1992
BT9920123The Eucalypt Forest Grassland/Grassy Woodland Boundary in Central Tasmania
RJ Fensham and JB Kirkpatrick
pp. 123-138
BT9920139 Relationship Between Soil Nitrogen and Floristic Variation in Late Snow Areas of the Koscinsko Alpine Region [Australia].
OK Atkin and DE Collier
pp. 139-149
BT9920151 Germination of Verticordia Pollen After Storage at Different Temperatures
A Tyagi, JA Considine and J Mccomb
pp. 151-155
BT9920207 Cell-Wall Histochemistry and Anatomy of Taro (Colocasia esculenta.)
PJ Harris, LR Ferguson, AM Robertson, RJ Mckenzie and JB White
pp. 207-222
BT9920243 Chromosome-Pairing and Pollen Viability in Desmodium ovalifolium Wall × Desmodium heterocarpon (L) DC. Hybrids
MA Mckellar and KH Quesenberry
pp. 243-247