Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 34 Number 2 1986
BT9860165Pollination of Diuris maculata R Br (Orchidaceae) by Floral Mimicry of the Native Legumes Daviesia spp and Pultenaea scabra R Br
DV Beardsell, MA Clements, JF Hutchinson and EG Williams
pp. 165-173
BT9860175Honeyeaters and the Pollination Biology of Banksia prionotes (Proteaceae)
BG Collins and J Spice
pp. 175-185
BT9860187The Study of Plant Phylogeny Using Amino-Acid-Sequences of Ribulose-1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase .VI. Some Solanum and Allied Species From Different Continents
PG Martin, JM Dowd, C Morris and DE Symon
pp. 187-195
BT9860217Three Lichen-Forming Clavarioid Fungi From Tasmania
RH Petersen and G Kantvilas
pp. 217-222
BT9860223Grass Genera of the World: 728 Detailed Descriptions From an Automated Database
L Watson, MJ Dallwitz and CR Johnston
pp. 223-230