Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 30 Number 2 1982
BT9820139The Distribution of Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands at Two Sites in Southern Western Australia and at Durras in South-Eastern New South Wales.
WM Blowes, WA Heather, N Malajczuk and SR Shea
pp. 139-145
BT9820147Root Formation by Stems of Eucalyptus botryoides Sm. In Natural Stands
CJ Lacey, AN Gillison and MI Whitecross
pp. 147-159
BT9820161Effect of Weighting and the Size of the Attribute Set in Numerical Classification
RW Johnson
pp. 161-174
BT9820175Interspecific Incompatibility Amongst Victorian Species of Amyema (Loranthaceae)
P Bernhardt
pp. 175-184
BT9820199 Relationships Between Phytophthora megasperma Isolates From Chickpea, Lucerne and Soybean
JAG Irwin and JL Dales
pp. 199-210
BT9820231Nutrient Reserves in Seeds of Selected Proteaceous Species From South-Western Australia.
J Kuo, PJ Hocking and JS Pate
pp. 231-249