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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

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Reproductive-Biology and Interspecific Hybridization of Acacia mangium and Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Benth (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae)

M Sedgley, J Harbard, RMM Smith, R Wickneswari and AR Griffin
40(1) pp.37 - 48

51 articles found in Crossref database.

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International Journal of Plant Sciences. 1999 160(2). p.229
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Casiva Paola V., Saidman Beatriz O., Vilardi Juan C., Cialdella Ana M.
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Pometti Carolina L., Vilardi Juan C., Saidman Beatriz O.
Plant Systematics and Evolution. 2011 292(1-2). p.25
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Effect of growing site on the fundamental wood properties of natural hybrid clones of Acacia in Vietnam
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Journal of Wood Science. 2011 57(2). p.87
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Le Son, Harwood Christopher E., Nghiem Chi Q., Griffin A. Rod, Vaillancourt René E.
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Development of morphological marker on natural interspecific hybrid seedling of Acacia (Acacia mangium × Acacia auriculiformis) verified by molecular marker
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Phylogenomics resolves the invasion history of Acacia auriculiformis in Florida
McCulloch Graham A., Madeira Paul T., Makinson Jeffrey R., Dutoit Ludovic, Blair Zizah, Walter Gimme H., Nawaz Muhammad, Purcell Matthew F.
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Pollination ecology of Acacia gerrardii Benth. (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) under extremely hot-dry conditions
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Mating system and population structure of Acacia aroma and A. macracantha (Fabaceae)
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Nawaz Muhammad, Brookes Dean R., McCulloch Graham A., Walter Gimme H.
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Pometti Carolina, Camps Gonzalo A., Soldati María Cristina, Sastre Teresa Velasco, Gavier Gregorio, Zelener Noga, Verga Aníbal, Ewens Mauricio, Saidman Beatriz O., Sérsic Alicia N., Cosacov Andrea
Reduced fertility in triploids of Acacia auriculiformis and its hybrid with A. mangium
Quynh Nghiem Chi, A. Griffin R., L. Harbard J., Harwood C. E., Le Son, Duc Nguyen Kien, Van Pham Bon
Euphytica. 2018 214(4).

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