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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

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Effects of variation in fire intensity on regeneration of co-occurring species of small trees in the Sydney region

David A. Morrison and John A. Renwick
48(1) pp.71 - 79

55 articles found in Crossref database.

Remote sensing of fire severity in the Blue Mountains: influence of vegetation type and inferring fire intensity
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Journal of Vegetation Science. 2003 14(3). p.409
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Austral Ecology. 2004 29(2). p.225
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Journal of Vegetation Science. 2003 14(3). p.409
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Morrison David A.
Austral Ecology. 2002 27(4). p.433
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Fire severity and nutrient availability do not constrain resprouting in forest shrubs
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High severity fire promotes a more flammable eucalypt forest structure
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Resprouting as a key functional trait: how buds, protection and resources drive persistence after fire
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Effects of fire intensity on plant species composition of sandstone communities in the Sydney region
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Sprouting ability across diverse disturbances and vegetation types worldwide
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Fire and torrential rainfall: effects on seedling establishment in Mediterranean gorse shrublands
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