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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

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Cause and effects of a megafire in sedge-heathland in the Tasmanian temperate wilderness

Ben J. French A , Lynda D. Prior A B , Grant J. Williamson A and David M. J. S. Bowman A
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A School of Biological Sciences, Private Bag 55, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tas. 7001, Australia.

B Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Journal of Botany 64(6) 513-525
Submitted: 28 April 2016  Accepted: 3 August 2016   Published: 5 September 2016

24 articles found in Crossref database.

Mapping Tasmania's cultural landscapes: Using habitat suitability modelling of archaeological sites as a landscape history tool
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Journal of Biogeography. 2019 46(11). p.2570
Using Multi-decadal Satellite Records to Identify Environmental Drivers of Fire Severity Across Vegetation Types
Rodriguez-Cubillo Dario, Jordan Gregory J., Williamson Grant J.
Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences. 2022
Soil or fire: what causes treeless sedgelands in Tasmanian wet forests?
Bowman David M. J. S., Perry George L. W.
Plant and Soil. 2017 420(1-2). p.1
Lack of reliable post-fire recovery mechanisms makes the iconic Tasmanian conifer
Bliss Aimee, Prior Lynda D., Bowman David M. J. S.
Australian Journal of Botany. 2021 69(3). p.162
Modeling the Probability of Dry Lightning‐Induced Wildfires in Tasmania: A Machine Learning Approach
Wickramasinghe Amila M. K., Boer Matthias M., Cunningham Calum X., Nolan Rachael H., Bowman David M. J. S., Williamson Grant J.
Geophysical Research Letters. 2024 51(16).
Ecosystem transformation following the mid-nineteenth century cessation of Aboriginal fire management in Cape Pillar, Tasmania
Adeleye Matthew Adesanya, Haberle Simon Graeme, Ondei Stefania, Bowman David M. J. S.
Regional Environmental Change. 2022 22(3).
An improved spatio-temporal clustering method for extracting fire footprints based on MCD64A1 in the Daxing’anling Area of north-eastern China
Su Huiyi, Ma Xiu, Li Mingshi
International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2023 32(5). p.679
Soil Degradation, Restoration and Management in a Global Change Context (2019)
Pereira Paulo, Martínez-Murillo Juan F., Francos Marcos
Demographic Effects of Severe Fire in Montane Shrubland on Tasmania’s Central Plateau
Foulkes Judy A., Prior Lynda D., Leonard Steven W. J., Bowman David M. J. S.
Fire. 2021 4(3). p.32
Soil not fire: Field, glasshouse and dendrochronology studies show how edaphic factors control post-fire woody plant growth across a sedgeland – forest boundary in Tasmania
Prior Lynda D., Nichols Scott C., Foyster Scott M., Ondei Stefania, Bowman David M.J.S.
Forest Ecology and Management. 2024 553 p.121639
What do you mean, ‘megafire’?
Linley Grant D., Jolly Chris J., Doherty Tim S., Geary William L., Armenteras Dolors, Belcher Claire M., Bliege Bird Rebecca, Duane Andrea, Fletcher Michael‐Shawn, Giorgis Melisa A., Haslem Angie, Jones Gavin M., Kelly Luke T., Lee Calvin K. F., Nolan Rachael H., Parr Catherine L., Pausas Juli G., Price Jodi N., Regos Adrián, Ritchie Euan G., Ruffault Julien, Williamson Grant J., Wu Qianhan, Nimmo Dale G.
Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2022 31(10). p.1906
Simulating the effectiveness of prescribed burning at altering wildfire behaviour in Tasmania, Australia
Furlaud James M., Williamson Grant J., Bowman David M. J. S.
International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2018 27(1). p.15
High post-fire mortality of resprouting woody plants in Tasmanian Mediterranean-type vegetation
Nicholson Áine, Prior Lynda D., Perry George L. W., Bowman David M. J. S.
International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017 26(6). p.532
Bushfires in Tasmania, Australia: An Introduction
Bowman David M. J. S., Kolden Crystal A., Williamson Grant J.
Fire. 2022 5(2). p.33
Forest-sedgeland boundaries are historically stable and resilient to wildfire at Blakes Opening in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, Australia
Bowman David M. J. S., Ondei Stefania, Lucieer Arko, Foyster Scott, Prior Lynda D.
Landscape Ecology. 2023 38(1). p.205
Promoting Optimal Habitat Availability by Maintaining Fine-Grained Burn Mosaics: A Modelling Study in an Australian Semi-Arid Temperate Woodland
French Ben J., Murphy Brett P., Bowman David M. J. S.
Fire. 2024 7(6). p.172
Fire caused demographic attrition of the Tasmanian palaeoendemic conifer Athrotaxis cupressoides
Bowman David M. J. S., Bliss Aimee, Bowman Clarence J. W., Prior Lynda D.
Austral Ecology. 2019 44(8). p.1322
Megafires on the Southern Great Plains
Lindley T. Todd, Speheger Douglas A., Day Matthew A., Murdoch Gregory P., Smith Bradley R., Nauslar Nicholas J., Daily Drew C.
Journal of Operational Meteorology. 2019  p.164
Defining Extreme Wildfire Events: Difficulties, Challenges, and Impacts
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AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora
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Scientific Data. 2021 8(1).
Fire Cycles and the Spatial Pattern of the Scrub–Sedgeland Mosaic at Blakes Opening in Western Tasmania, Australia
Bowman David M. J. S., Ondei Stefania, Nichols Scott C., Foyster Scott M., Prior Lynda D.
Fire. 2023 6(6). p.232
Long-term stability of temperate Australian wet forest-moorland mosaics despite recurrent fires associated with late Holocene climate change
Adeleye Matthew Adesanya, Haberle Simon Graeme, Bowman David M. J. S.
Landscape Ecology. 2023 38(10). p.2675
When soil becomes fuel: identifying a safe window for prescribed burning of Tasmanian vegetation growing on organic soils
Prior Lynda D., Storey Kathryn, Williamson Grant J., Bowman David M. J. S.
International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2024 33(6).
Ecosystem Collapse and Climate Change (2021)
Bowman David M. J. S., Rodriguez-Cubillo Dario, Prior Lynda D.

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