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Savanna woody plant dynamics: the role of fire and herbivory, separately and synergistically

Jeremy J. Midgley A D , Michael J. Lawes B and Simon Chamaillé-Jammes C
+ Author Affiliations
- Author Affiliations

A Botany Department, University of Cape Town, P Bag Rondebosch 7701, South Africa.

B School for Environmental Research, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, NT 0909, Australia.

C Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, U.M.R. 5175 – CNRS, 1919 Route de Mende, 34293, Montpellier Cedex, France.

D Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Journal of Botany 58(1) 1-11
Submitted: 16 February 2009  Accepted: 8 December 2009   Published: 11 March 2010

163 articles found in Crossref database.

How do small savanna trees avoid stem mortality by fire? The roles of stem diameter, height and bark thickness
Lawes Michael J., Adie Hylton, Russell-Smith Jeremy, Murphy Brett, Midgley Jeremy J.
Ecosphere. 2011 2(4). p.art42
Savanna Woody Plants and Large Herbivores (2019)
Beckage Brian, Bucini Gabriela, Gross Louis J., Platt William J., Higgins Steven I., Fowler Norma L., Slocum Matthew G., Farrior Caroline
Grasses and browsers reinforce landscape heterogeneity by excluding trees from ecosystem hotspots
Porensky Lauren M., Veblen Kari E.
Oecologia. 2012 168(3). p.749
Termites facilitate and ungulates limit savanna tree regeneration
Støen Ole-Gunnar, Okullo Paul, Eid Tron, Moe Stein R.
Oecologia. 2013 172(4). p.1085
First‐year Acacia seedlings are anisohydric “water‐spenders” but differ in their rates of water use
Cory Scott T., Smith William K., Anderson T. Michael
American Journal of Botany. 2022 109(8). p.1251
Bark thickness determines fire resistance of selected tree species from fire-prone tropical savanna in north Australia
Lawes Michael J., Richards Anna, Dathe Josefine, Midgley Jeremy J.
Plant Ecology. 2011 212(12). p.2057
Drought and resprouting plants
Zeppel Melanie J. B., Harrison Sandy P., Adams Henry D., Kelley Douglas I., Li Guangqi, Tissue David T., Dawson Todd E., Fensham Rod, Medlyn Belinda E., Palmer Anthony, West Adam G., McDowell Nate G.
New Phytologist. 2015 206(2). p.583
Biophysical Properties of Inner Bark and Sapwood in Tree Species From Forests With Contrasting Precipitation in Subtropical South America
Carrasco Laureano Oliva, Bucci Sandra J., Scholz Fabian G., Loto Dante, Gasparri Ignacio, Goldstein Guillermo, Campanello Paula I.
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 2022 5
Plant Ontogeny as a Conditionality Factor in the Protective Effect of Ants on a Neotropical Tree
Koch Elmo B. A., Camarota Flávio, Vasconcelos Heraldo L.
Biotropica. 2016 48(2). p.198
Fire in Australian savannas: from leaf to landscape
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Global Change Biology. 2015 21(1). p.62
Growth of juvenile and sapling trees differs with both fire season and understorey type: Trade‐offs and transitions out of the fire trap in an Australian savanna
Austral Ecology. 2012 37(6). p.644
Bark thickness across the angiosperms: more than just fire
Rosell Julieta A.
New Phytologist. 2016 211(1). p.90
Demographic legacies of fire history in an African savanna
Levick Shaun R., Baldeck Claire A., Asner Gregory P., Tjoelker Mark
Functional Ecology. 2015 29(1). p.131
Patchy Fires Promote Regeneration of Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) in Pine Savannas
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New Phytologist. 2021 230(2). p.510
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Zooming in on coarse plant functional types—simulated response of savanna vegetation composition in response to aridity and grazing
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Theoretical Ecology. 2018 11(2). p.161
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Diversity and Distributions. 2022 28(3). p.463
Genetic variation in fire recovery and other fire-related traits in a global eucalypt species
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Tree Genetics & Genomes. 2022 18(6).
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Resco de Dios Víctor
Illuminating den‐tree selection by an arboreal mammal using terrestrial laser scanning in northern Australia
Stobo‐Wilson Alyson M., Murphy Brett P., Cremona Teigan, Carthew Susan M., Levick Shaun R., Pettorelli Nathalie, Carter A.
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. 2021 7(2). p.154
Spatial patterns in the effects of fire on savanna vegetation three‐dimensional structure
Levick Shaun R., Asner Gregory P., Smit Izak P. J.
Ecological Applications. 2012 22(8). p.2110
Current and Future Fire Regimes and Their Influence on Natural Vegetation in Ethiopia
van Breugel P., Friis I., Demissew Sebsebe, Lillesø Jens-Peter Barnekow, Kindt Roeland
Ecosystems. 2016 19(2). p.369
Savanna canopy trees under fire: long‐term persistence and transient dynamics from a stage‐based matrix population model
Werner Patricia A., Peacock Stephanie J.
Ecosphere. 2019 10(5).
Restoring lost ecological function: ecological surrogates facilitate maintenance of coastal turf communities
Rogers GM, Monks A
New Zealand Journal of Botany. 2016 54(4). p.393
The role of people, parks and precipitation on the frequency and timing of fires in a sub-Saharan savanna ecosystem
Dewald Julius R., Southworth Jane, Moise Imelda K.
International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2023 33(1).
Population Structure of Woody Plants in Relation to Land Use in a Semi‐arid Savanna, West Africa
Jurisch Katrin, Hahn Karen, Wittig Rüdiger, Bernhardt‐Römermann Markus
Biotropica. 2012 44(6). p.744
Fire and nutrient gradient effects on the sapling ecology of four Acacia species in the presence of grass competition
Vadigi Snehalatha, Ward David
Plant Ecology. 2012 213(11). p.1793
Water sourcing by trees in a mesic savanna: Responses to severing deep and shallow roots
Verweij Richard J.T., Higgins Steven I., Bond William J., February Edmund C.
Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2011 74 p.229
Browser impacts in Mapungubwe National Park, South Africa: Should we be worried?
Coetsee Corli, Wigley Benjamin J.
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Dominant species’ resprout biomass dynamics after cutting in the Sudanian savanna-woodlands of West Africa: long term effects of annual early fire and grazing
Dayamba Sidzabda Djibril, Savadogo Patrice, Sawadogo Louis, Zida Didier, Tiveau Daniel, Oden Per Christer
Annals of Forest Science. 2011 68(3). p.555
Defaunation and changes in climate and fire frequency have synergistic effects on aboveground biomass loss in the brazilian savanna
Maciel Everton A., Martins Valeria F., de Paula Mateus D., Huth Andreas, Guilherme Frederico A.G., Fischer Rico, Giles André, Barbosa Reinaldo I., Cavassan Osmar, Martins Fernando R.
Ecological Modelling. 2021 454 p.109628
Demography and growth of subadult savanna trees: interactions of life history, size, fire season, and grassy understory
Werner Patricia A., Prior Lynda D.
Ecological Monographs. 2013 83(1). p.67
What drives grassland‐forest boundaries? Assessing fire and frost effects on tree seedling survival and architecture
Botha Monique, Archibald Sally, Greve Michelle
Ecology and Evolution. 2020 10(19). p.10719
Top‐down determinants of niche structure and adaptation among African Acacias
Staver A. Carla, Bond William J., Cramer Michael D., Wakeling Julia L.
Ecology Letters. 2012 15(7). p.673
Plant-Fire Interactions (2020)
Resco de Dios Víctor
The role of morpho-physiological traits in frost tolerance of neotropical savanna trees
De Antonio Ariadne C., Hoffmann William A., Rossatto Davi R.
Trees. 2021 35(5). p.1687
Quantifying the effect of chemical bush control of Senegalia mellifera on vegetation production in the Eastern Kalahari Bushveld, South Africa
Harmse CJ, De Ath A, Kellner K
African Journal of Range & Forage Science. 2023 40(4). p.348
Elephants and Savanna Woodland Ecosystems (2014)
Moe Stein R., Rutina Lucas, Hytteborn Håkan, du Toit Johan T.
Model highlights likely long‐term influences of mesobrowsers versus those of elephants on woodland dynamics
O'Kane Christopher A. J., Duffy Kevin J., Page Bruce R., Macdonald David W.
African Journal of Ecology. 2014 52(2). p.192
Relative Impacts of Elephant and Fire on Large Trees in a Savanna Ecosystem
Shannon Graeme, Thaker Maria, Vanak Abi Tamim, Page Bruce R., Grant Rina, Slotow Rob
Ecosystems. 2011 14(8). p.1372
Leaf size and thickness are related to frost damage in ground layer species of Neotropical savannas
de Antonio Ariadne Cristina, Scalon Marina Corrêa, Rossatto Davi Rodrigo
Flora. 2023 299 p.152208
Wild herbivores and cattle have differing effects on postfire herbaceous vegetation recovery in an African savanna
Masudi Sherril P., Odadi Wilfred O., Kimuyu Duncan M., Gachuiri Charles K., Sensenig Ryan L., Young Truman P.
Ecological Applications. 2024 34(5).
Abrupt environmental changes drive shifts in tree-grass interaction outcomes
Jeffers Elizabeth S., Bonsall Michael B., Brooks Stephen J., Willis Katherine J.
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Restoring tropical forest–grassland mosaics invaded by woody exotics
Raghurama Manaswi, Sankaran Mahesh
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Unraveling the adaptive chemical traits of Rhamnidium elaeocarpum Reissek in response to fire in pantanal wetlands
Siqueira Camila Sório, Dos Santos Vanessa Samúdio, Carollo Carlos Alexandre, Damasceno-Junior Geraldo Alves
Scientific Reports. 2023 13(1).
Distribution of tree species along a gallery forest–savanna gradient: patterns, overlaps and ecological thresholds
Azihou Akomian Fortuné, Kakaï Romain Glèlè, Bellefontaine Ronald, Sinsin Brice
Journal of Tropical Ecology. 2013 29(1). p.25
Ecology of plant resprouting: populations to community responses in fire-prone ecosystems
Lawes Michael J., Clarke Peter J.
Plant Ecology. 2011 212(12). p.1937
Long-term effects of Macrotermes termites, herbivores and annual early fire on woody undergrowth community in Sudanian woodland, Burkina Faso
Traoré Saran, Tigabu Mulualem, Jouquet Pascal, Ouédraogo Sibiri J., Guinko Sita, Lepage Michel
Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants. 2015 211 p.40
The effects of fire on woody plant encroachment are exacerbated by succession of trees of decreased palatability
Gordijn Paul J., Rice Edward, Ward David
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 2012 14(6). p.411
The 10 Australian ecosystems most vulnerable to tipping points
Laurance William F., Dell Bernard, Turton Stephen M., Lawes Michael J., Hutley Lindsay B., McCallum Hamish, Dale Patricia, Bird Michael, Hardy Giles, Prideaux Gavin, Gawne Ben, McMahon Clive R., Yu Richard, Hero Jean-Marc, Schwarzkopf Lin, Krockenberger Andrew, Douglas Michael, Silvester Ewen, Mahony Michael, Vella Karen, Saikia Udoy, Wahren Carl-Henrik, Xu Zhihong, Smith Bradley, Cocklin Chris
Biological Conservation. 2011 144(5). p.1472
Moving beyond the cambium necrosis hypothesis of post‐fire tree mortality: cavitation and deformation of xylem in forest fires
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Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (2013)
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Costs and benefits of relative bark thickness in relation to fire damage: a savanna/forest contrast
Lawes Michael J., Midgley Jeremy J., Clarke Peter J., Jones Robert
Journal of Ecology. 2013 101(2). p.517
A research agenda for the restoration of tropical and subtropical grasslands and savannas
Buisson Elise, Fidelis Alessandra, Overbeck Gerhard E., Schmidt Isabel B., Durigan Giselda, Young Truman P., Alvarado Swanni T., Arruda André J., Boisson Sylvain, Bond William, Coutinho André, Kirkman Kevin, Oliveira Rafael S., Schmitt Melissa H., Siebert Frances, Siebert Stefan J., Thompson Dave I., Silveira Fernando A. O.
Restoration Ecology. 2021 29(S1).
Synergistic effects of long‐term herbivory and previous fire on fine‐scale heterogeneity of prescribed grassland burns
Werner Chhaya M., Kimuyu Duncan, Veblen Kari E., Sensenig Ryan L., LaMalfa Eric, Young Truman P.
Ecology. 2021 102(4).
Caught in a fire trap: Recurring fire creates stable size equilibria in woody resprouters
Grady John M., Hoffmann William A.
Ecology. 2012 93(9). p.2052
Simply the best: the transition of savanna saplings to trees
Wakeling Julia L., Staver A. Carla, Bond William J.
Oikos. 2011 120(10). p.1448
Effect of fire and tree‐grass patches on soil nitrogen in Australian tropical savannas
Austral Ecology. 2012 37(6). p.668
Correlates of geoxyle diversity in Afrotropical grasslands
Meller Paulina, Stellmes Marion, Fidelis Alessandra, Finckh Manfred
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The shifted baseline: Prehistoric defaunation in the tropics and its consequences for biodiversity conservation
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Constraints, crashes and conservation: were historical African savanna elephantsLoxodonta africanadensities relatively high or lower than those seen in protected areas today?
Wilkinson David M., Midgley Jeremy J., Cunningham Anthony B.
Plant Ecology & Diversity. 2022 15(1-2). p.1
Bark functional ecology and its influence on the distribution of Australian half‐butt eucalypts
Lawes Michael J., Woolley Leigh‐Ann, Van Holsbeeck Sam, Murphy Brett P., Burrows Geoffrey E., Midgley Jeremy J.
Austral Ecology. 2021 46(7). p.1097
Grass layer limits tree seedling survival but not tree seedling growth in African and South American savannas
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Journal of Vegetation Science. 2024 35(4).
Fire frequency filters species by bark traits in a savanna–forest mosaic
Charles‐Dominique Tristan, Midgley Guy F., Bond William J., Scheiner Sam
Journal of Vegetation Science. 2017 28(4). p.728
Scrubbing Up: Multi-Scale Investigation of Woody Encroachment in a Southern African Savannah
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Rabbits and livestock grazing alter the structure and composition of mid-storey plants in a wooded dryland
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Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2019 277 p.53
Comparing bark thickness: testing methods with bark–stem data from two South African fire‐prone biomes
Hempson Gareth P., Midgley Jeremy J., Lawes Michael J., Vickers Karen J., Kruger Laurence M., Pausas Juli
Journal of Vegetation Science. 2014 25(5). p.1247
Exploring the Variability of Tropical Savanna Tree Structural Allometry with Terrestrial Laser Scanning
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Which traits determine shifts in the abundance of tree species in a fire‐prone savanna?
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The effect of tree-on-tree interactions and abiotic conditions on woody communities in Brazilian savannas
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Remote sensing provides a progressive record of vegetation change in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, from 1944 to 2005
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Biocomplexity from the Ground Up: Vegetation Patterns in a West African Savanna Landscape
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Different drivers create spatial vegetation cover and vertical structure in semi-arid African savannas
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Post‐fire resprouting responses of native and exotic grasses from Cumberland Plain Woodland (Sydney, Australia) under elevated carbon dioxide
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Fire and tree death: understanding and improving modeling of fire-induced tree mortality
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Shade, nutrients, and grass competition are important for tree sapling establishment in a humid savanna
Vadigi Snehalatha, Ward David
Ecosphere. 2013 4(11). p.1
Fire and herbivory are not substitutable: evidence from regrowth patterns and changes in physical and chemical defences in Acacia seedlings
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Landscape age and soil fertility, climatic stability, and fire regime predictability: beyond the OCBIL framework
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Does long‐term fire exclusion in an Australian tropical savanna result in a biome shift? A test using the reintroduction of fire
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Transplant Experiments Point to Fire Regime as Limiting Savanna Tree Distribution
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Why woody plant modularity through time and space must be integrated in fire research?
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Woody plant biomass and carbon exchange depend on elephant‐fire interactions across a productivity gradient in African savanna
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Is there a ‘browse trap’? Dynamics of herbivore impacts on trees and grasses in an African savanna
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The effect of insects on elephant‐induced tree damage within a small, fenced reserve in South Africa
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Resprouting and mortality of juvenile eucalypts in an Australian savanna: impacts of fire season and annual sorghum
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The importance of history in understanding large tree mortality in African savannas
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Ecosystem‐wide responses to fire and large mammal herbivores in an African savanna
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Legacy effects of top–down disturbances on woody plant species composition in semi‐arid systems
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Plant defences as functional traits: A comparison across savannas differing in herbivore specialization
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Synergistic effects of fire and elephants on arboreal animals in an African savanna
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Competing consumers: contrasting the patterns and impacts of fire and mammalian herbivory in Africa
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The lanky and the corky: fire‐escape strategies in savanna woody species
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Accuracy assessment of MODIS active fire products in southern African savannah woodlands
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Drought limits large trees in African savannas with or without elephants
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