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Seed dormancy and germination stimulation syndromes for Australian temperate species

D. J. Merritt A B C , S. R. Turner A B , S. Clarke A B and K. W. Dixon A B
+ Author Affiliations
- Author Affiliations

A Kings Park and Botanic Garden, West Perth, WA 6005, Australia.

B School of Plant Biology, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia.

C Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Journal of Botany 55(3) 336-344
Submitted: 26 May 2006  Accepted: 8 January 2007   Published: 18 May 2007

176 articles found in Crossref database.

Does Fire Trigger Seed Germination in the Neotropical Savannas? Experimental Tests with Six Cerrado Species
Fichino Betânia Santos, Dombroski Julia R. G., Pivello Vânia R., Fidelis Alessandra
Biotropica. 2016 48(2). p.181
The determinants of seed germination in an alpine/subalpine community on the Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
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Ecological Engineering. 2017 98 p.114
Germination traits explain soil seed persistence across species: the case of Mediterranean annual plants in cereal fields
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Annals of Botany. 2011 107(3). p.415
Defining the role of fire in alleviating seed dormancy in a rare Mediterranean endemic subshrub
Cross Adam T, Paniw Maria, Ojeda Fernando, Turner Shane R, Dixon Kingsley W, Merritt David J
AoB PLANTS. 2017 9(5).
Cercetari Agronomice in Moldova. 2020 53(2). p.152
Fire‐released seed dormancy ‐ a global synthesis
Pausas Juli G., Lamont Byron B.
Biological Reviews. 2022 97(4). p.1612
Experimental seed sowing reveals seedling recruitment vulnerability to unseasonal fire
Miller Russell G., Fontaine Joseph B., Merritt David J., Miller Ben P., Enright Neal J.
Ecological Applications. 2021 31(7).
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Kusuma N.H., Selvi D. Thirusendura, Umarani R., Eevera T., Janaki P., Vigneshwari R.
Trees, Forests and People. 2024 18 p.100692
Biogenic ethylene promotes seedling emergence from the sediment seed bank in an ephemeral tropical rock pool habitat
Cross Adam T., Cawthray Gregory R., Merritt David J., Turner Shane R., Renton Michael, Dixon Kingsley W.
Plant and Soil. 2014 380(1-2). p.73
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Annals of Botany. 2013 111(3). p.489
Seed germination traits can contribute better to plant community ecology
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Journal of Vegetation Science. 2016 27(3). p.637
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Rajapakshe Rajapakshe P V G S W, Turner Shane R, Cross Adam T, Tomlinson Sean, Hultine Kevin
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Norman Melanie A., Koch John M.
Australian Journal of Botany. 2008 56(6). p.493
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PLOS ONE. 2016 11(5). p.e0156142
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Seed Treatment Optimizes Benefits of Seed Bank Storage for Restoration‐Ready Seeds: The Feasibility of Prestorage Dormancy Alleviation for Mine‐Site Revegetation
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Restoration Ecology. 2016 24(S2).
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Commander L. E., Merritt D. J., Rokich D. P., Flematti G. R., Dixon K. W.
Australian Journal of Botany. 2008 56(4). p.333
Effect of temperature and light on germination of 10 species of Eucalyptus from north-western NSW
Ruiz-Talonia Lorena, Carr David, Smith Rhiannon, Whalley R. D. B., Reid Nick
Australian Journal of Botany. 2018 66(8). p.657
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Miller Ben P., Symons David R., Barrett Matthew D.
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A threatened ecological community: research advances and priorities for Banksia woodlands
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Australian Journal of Botany. 2021 69(2). p.53
Species-specific smoke effects on seed germination of plants from different habitats from Sri Lanka
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Plant life-history data as evidence of an historical mixed-severity fire regime in Banksia Woodlands
Miller Russell G., Enright Neal J., Fontaine Joseph B., Merritt David J., Miller Ben P., Denham Andrew
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Effects of soil type, period of burial and moisture levels on the germination of Oncocyclus iris seeds
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Promotion of Terminalia brownii in reforestation by development of appropriate dormancy breaking and germination methods in drylands; Kenya
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Study on Seed Bank Composition and Seedling Emergence Regularity in Placer Iron Ore Soil
Yurong Hou, Mei Ke, Peng Wei, Jiyong Lan, Chao Li, Shuai Kang, Aldeyarhan Kayrat, Lu Wang
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Soil depth detection by seeds and diurnally fluctuating temperatures: different dynamics in 10 annual plants
Saatkamp Arne, Affre Laurence, Baumberger Teddy, Dumas Pierre-Jean, Gasmi Aïda, Gachet Sophie, Arène Fabien
Plant and Soil. 2011 349(1-2). p.331
Temporal dynamics of seedling emergence among four fire ephemerals: the interplay of after-ripening and embryo growth with smoke
Hidayati Siti N., Merritt David J., Turner Shane R., Dixon Kingsley W., Walck Jeffrey L.
Seed Science Research. 2019 29(2). p.104
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Cross Adam T., Adamec Lubomír, Turner Shane R., Dixon Kingsley W., Merritt David J.
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2016 180(4). p.515
Impact of fire suppressant on seed germination and seedling emergence of native and introduced flora from a Western Australian eucalypt woodland
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Composted soil conditioner and mulch promote native plant establishment from seed in a constructed seasonal wetland complex
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Regulation of Seed Germination and Seedling Growth by Chemical Signals from Burning Vegetation
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Seed enhancement technologies to improve germination and emergence of Australian native Poaceae
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Seed dormancy regulates germination response to smoke and temperature in a rhizomatous evergreen perennial
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Delayed emergence and post-fire recruitment success: effects of seasonal germination, fire season and dormancy type
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Germinability of seeds stored in capsules on plants of two myrtaceous shrubs: differences among age cohorts and between species
Kim Jae-hyeun, Walck Jeffrey L., Hidayati Siti N., Merritt David J., Dixon Kingsley W.
Australian Journal of Botany. 2009 57(6). p.495
Seed germination of the carnivorous plantByblis gigantea(Byblidaceae) is cued by warm stratification and karrikinolide
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Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2013 173(1). p.143
A framework for the practical science necessary to restore sustainable, resilient, and biodiverse ecosystems
Miller Ben P., Sinclair Elizabeth A., Menz Myles H. M., Elliott Carole P., Bunn Eric, Commander Lucy E., Dalziell Emma, David Erica, Davis Belinda, Erickson Todd E., Golos Peter J., Krauss Siegfried L., Lewandrowski Wolfgang, Mayence C. Ellery, Merino‐Martín Luis, Merritt David J., Nevill Paul G., Phillips Ryan D., Ritchie Alison L., Ruoss Sacha, Stevens Jason C.
Restoration Ecology. 2017 25(4). p.605
Demographic, seed and microsite limitations to seedling recruitment in semi-arid mine site restoration
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Leveraging the value of conservation physiology for ecological restoration
Tomlinson Sean, Tudor Emily P., Turner Shane R., Cross Sophie, Riviera Fiamma, Stevens Jason, Valliere Justin, Lewandrowski Wolfgang
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The effect of heat and smoke on the soil seed banks of heathlands on permanent freshwater swamps
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Grazing intensity and environmental factors effects on species composition and diversity in rangelands of Iran
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Effect of fire-derived chemicals on germination and seedling growth in Mediterranean plant species
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Annual species' experimental germination responses to light and temperature do not correspond with their microhabitat associations in the field
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Identification of the seasonal conditions required for dormancy break ofPersoonia longifolia(Proteaceae), a species with a woody indehiscent endocarp
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Smoke promotes germination of peatland bryophyte spores
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Seed moisture content as a primary trait regulating the lethal temperature thresholds of seeds
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A global review of seed enhancement technology use to inform improved applications in restoration
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Overcoming physiological dormancy in seeds of Triodia (Poaceae) to improve restoration in the arid zone
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Germination ecology of the endangered species Asterolasia buxifolia (Rutaceae): smoke response depends on season and light
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