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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

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Lindsay B. Hutley A D , Ray Leuning B , Jason Beringer C and Helen A. Cleugh B
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A Tropical Savanna CRC and School of Science and Primary Industries, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, NT 0909, Australia.

B CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, PO Box 1666, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.

C School of Geography and Environmental Science, Monash University, PO Box 11A, Clayton, Vic. 3800, Australia.

D Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Journal of Botany 53(7) 663-675
Submitted: 22 September 2004  Accepted: 24 February 2005   Published: 29 November 2005

61 articles found in Crossref database.

A test of the optimality approach to modelling canopy properties and CO2 uptake by natural vegetation
Plant, Cell & Environment. 2007 30(12). p.1586
Savanna fires and their impact on net ecosystem productivity in North Australia
Global Change Biology. 2007 13(5). p.990
Wildfire and fuel treatment effects on forest carbon dynamics in the western United States
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Australian Journal of Botany. 2008 56(1). p.1
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Alves José Darlon Nascimento, Ribeiro Aristides, Rody Yhasmin Paiva, Loos Rodolfo Araujo, Hall Kevin Brown
Journal of Hydrology. 2021 594 p.125943
Greenhouse gas fluxes from natural ecosystems
Dalal Ram C., Allen Diane E.
Australian Journal of Botany. 2008 56(5). p.369
An introduction to the Australian and New Zealand flux tower network – OzFlux
Beringer Jason, Hutley Lindsay B., McHugh Ian, Arndt Stefan K., Campbell David, Cleugh Helen A., Cleverly James, Resco de Dios Víctor, Eamus Derek, Evans Bradley, Ewenz Cacilia, Grace Peter, Griebel Anne, Haverd Vanessa, Hinko-Najera Nina, Huete Alfredo, Isaac Peter, Kanniah Kasturi, Leuning Ray, Liddell Michael J., Macfarlane Craig, Meyer Wayne, Moore Caitlin, Pendall Elise, Phillips Alison, Phillips Rebecca L., Prober Suzanne M., Restrepo-Coupe Natalia, Rutledge Susanna, Schroder Ivan, Silberstein Richard, Southall Patricia, Yee Mei Sun, Tapper Nigel J., van Gorsel Eva, Vote Camilla, Walker Jeff, Wardlaw Tim
Biogeosciences. 2016 13(21). p.5895
Savanna fires and their impact on net ecosystem productivity in North Australia
Global Change Biology. 2007 0(0). p.070621084512027
Aerosols and their influence on radiation partitioning and savanna productivity in northern Australia
Kanniah Kasturi Devi, Beringer Jason, Tapper Nigel J., Long Chuck N.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 2010 100(3-4). p.423
Carbon, water and energy fluxes in agricultural systems of Australia and New Zealand
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Carbon Exchange in a Hyperseasonal Cattle Pasture in the Brazilian Pantanal
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Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2017 141 p.357
Prospects for improving savanna biophysical models by using multiple-constraints model-data assimilation methods
Barrett Damian J., Hill Michael J., Hutley Lindsay B., Beringer Jason, Xu Johnny H., Cook Garry D., Carter John O., Williams Richard J.
Australian Journal of Botany. 2005 53(7). p.689
Patterns and processes of carbon, water and energy cycles across northern Australian landscapes: From point to region
Beringer Jason, Hutley Lindsay B., Hacker Jorg M., Neininger Bruno, Paw U Kyaw Tha
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2011 151(11). p.1409
An analysis of the surface energy budget above the world's tallest angiosperm forest
Kilinc Musa, Beringer Jason, Hutley Lindsay B., Haverd Vanessa, Tapper Nigel
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2012 166-167 p.23
Seasonal and inter-annual variations in net ecosystem exchange of two old-growth forests in southern China
Yan Junhua, Zhang Yiping, Yu Guirui, Zhou Guoyi, Zhang Leiming, Li Kun, Tan Zhenghong, Sha Liqing
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2013 182-183 p.257
A comparison of optical and microwave scintillometers with eddy covariance derived surface heat fluxes
Yee Mei Sun, Pauwels Valentijn R.N., Daly Edoardo, Beringer Jason, Rüdiger Christoph, McCabe Matthew F., Walker Jeffrey P.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2015 213 p.226
An optimality‐based model of the dynamic feedbacks between natural vegetation and the water balance
Schymanski S. J., Sivapalan M., Roderick M. L., Hutley L. B., Beringer J.
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Using the Paleorecord to Evaluate Climate and Fire Interactions in Australia
Lynch Amanda H., Beringer Jason, Kershaw Peter, Marshall Andrew, Mooney Scott, Tapper Nigel, Turney Chris, Van Der Kaars Sander
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Evaluation of MODIS Gross Primary Productivity of tropical oil palm in southern Peninsular Malaysia
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Estimated Carbon Sequestration in a Temperate Forest in Idaho of USA
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Is productivity of mesic savannas light limited or water limited? Results of a simulation study
Global Change Biology. 2011 17(10). p.3130
Fire in Australian savannas: from leaf to landscape
Beringer Jason, Hutley Lindsay B., Abramson David, Arndt Stefan K., Briggs Peter, Bristow Mila, Canadell Josep G., Cernusak Lucas A., Eamus Derek, Edwards Andrew C., Evans Bradley J., Fest Benedikt, Goergen Klaus, Grover Samantha P., Hacker Jorg, Haverd Vanessa, Kanniah Kasturi, Livesley Stephen J., Lynch Amanda, Maier Stefan, Moore Caitlin, Raupach Michael, Russell‐Smith Jeremy, Scheiter Simon, Tapper Nigel J., Uotila Petteri
Global Change Biology. 2015 21(1). p.62
Cropland Net Ecosystem Exchange Estimation for the Inland Pampas (Argentina) Using EVI, Land Cover Maps, and Eddy Covariance Fluxes
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Contribution of autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration to soil CO2 efflux in Chinese fir plantations
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Interannual variability in Australia's terrestrial carbon cycle constrained by multiple observation types
Trudinger Cathy M., Haverd Vanessa, Briggs Peter R., Canadell Josep G.
Biogeosciences. 2016 13(23). p.6363
Net ecosystem carbon exchange of a dry temperate eucalypt forest
Hinko-Najera Nina, Isaac Peter, Beringer Jason, van Gorsel Eva, Ewenz Cacilia, McHugh Ian, Exbrayat Jean-François, Livesley Stephen J., Arndt Stefan K.
Biogeosciences. 2017 14(16). p.3781
A canopy‐scale test of the optimal water‐use hypothesis
Plant, Cell & Environment. 2008 31(1). p.97
Impacts of fire on forest age and runoff in mountain ash forests — RETRACTED
Wood Stephen A., Beringer Jason, Hutley Lindsay B., McGuire A. David, Van Dijk Albert, Kilinc Musa
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Variations in diurnal and seasonal net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange in a semiarid sandy grassland ecosystem in China's Horqin Sandy Land
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Biogeosciences. 2020 17(24). p.6309
Quantifying the relative importance of greenhouse gas emissions from current and future savanna land use change across northern Australia
Bristow Mila, Hutley Lindsay B., Beringer Jason, Livesley Stephen J., Edwards Andrew C., Arndt Stefan K.
Biogeosciences. 2016 13(22). p.6285
The contribution of trees and grasses to productivity of an Australian tropical savanna
Moore Caitlin E., Beringer Jason, Evans Bradley, Hutley Lindsay B., McHugh Ian, Tapper Nigel J.
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Aerodynamic Resistance and Penman–Monteith Evapotranspiration over a Seasonally Two-Layered Canopy in Semiarid Central Australia
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Eddy covariance and biometric measurements show that a savanna ecosystem in Southwest China is a carbon sink
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Impacts of an extreme cyclone event on landscape-scale savanna fire, productivity and greenhouse gas emissions
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Actual evapotranspiration estimation by ground and remote sensing methods: the Australian experience
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Phenology and gross primary production of two dominant savanna woodland ecosystems in Southern Africa
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