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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

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No snow in the mountains: Early Eocene plant fossils from Hotham Heights, Victoria, Australia

Raymond J. Carpenter, Robert S. Hill, David R. Greenwood, Alan D. Partridge and Meredith A. Banks
52(6) pp.685 - 718

37 articles found in Crossref database.

A Toothed Lauraceae Leaf from the Early Eocene of Tasmania, Australia
Carpenter Raymond J., Jordan Gregory J., Hill Robert S.
International Journal of Plant Sciences. 2007 168(8). p.1191
Fossil evidence for the evolution of the Casuarinaceae in response to low soil nutrients and a drying climate in Cenozoic Australia
Hill Robert S., Whang Sung Soo, Korasidis Vera, Bianco Bradley, Hill Kathryn E., Paull Rosemary, Guerin Gregory R.
Australian Journal of Botany. 2020 68(3). p.179
Conifer and cycad distribution in the Miocene of southern New Zealand
Pole Mike
Australian Journal of Botany. 2007 55(2). p.143
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Taylor K. J., Lowe A. J., Hunter R. J., Ridgway T., Gresshoff P. M., Rossetto M.
Australian Journal of Botany. 2005 53(5). p.437
Gleichenia-like Korallipteris alineae sp. nov. macrofossils (Polypodiophyta) from the Miocene Landslip Hill silcrete, New Zealand
Conran John G., Jackson Joseph A., Lee Daphne E., Kennedy Elizabeth M.
New Zealand Journal of Botany. 2017 55(3). p.258
A new fossil Acmopyle with accessory transfusion tissue and potential reproductive buds: Direct evidence for ever‐wet rainforests in Eocene Patagonia
Andruchow‐Colombo Ana, Rossetto‐Harris Gabriella, Brodribb Timothy J., Gandolfo María A., Wilf Peter
American Journal of Botany. 2023 110(8).
Early Cenozoic Vegetation in Patagonia: New Insights from Organically Preserved Plant Fossils (Ligorio Márquez Formation, Argentina)
Carpenter Raymond J., Iglesias Ari, Wilf Peter
International Journal of Plant Sciences. 2018 179(2). p.115
Plant Proxy Evidence for High Rainfall and Productivity in the Eocene of Australia
Reichgelt Tammo, Greenwood David R., Steinig Sebastian, Conran John G., Hutchinson David K., Lunt Daniel J., Scriven Leonie J., Zhu Jiang
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Eocene paleobotanical altimetry of Victoria's Eastern Uplands
Greenwood D. R., Keefe R. L., Reichgelt T., Webb J. A.
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. 2017 64(5). p.625
Denudation history of the Southeastern Highlands of Australia
Webb J. A.
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. 2017 64(7). p.841
Proteaceae leaf fossils from the Oligo - Miocene of New Zealand: new species and evidence of biome and trait conservatism
Carpenter Raymond J., Bannister Jennifer M., Lee Daphne E., Jordan Gregory J.
Australian Systematic Botany. 2012 25(6). p.375
The evolutionary relations of sunken, covered, and encrypted stomata to dry habitats in Proteaceae
Jordan Gregory J., Weston Peter H., Carpenter Raymond J., Dillon Rebecca A., Brodribb Timothy J.
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The record of Araucariaceae macrofossils in New Zealand
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Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology. 2008 32(4). p.405
Lygodium (Schizaeaceae) in southern high latitudes during the Cenozoic — A new species and new insights into character evolution in the genus
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Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2017 247 p.40
Litseoxylon gen. nov. (Lauraceae): The most ancient fossil angiosperm wood with helical thickenings from southeastern Asia
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Jud Nathan A, Gandolfo Maria A, Iglesias Ari, Wilf Peter
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Agathis (Araucariaceae) macrofossils from Cainozoic sediments in south-eastern Australia
Hill Robert S., Lewis Tom, Carpenter Raymond J., Whang Sung Soo
Australian Systematic Botany. 2008 21(3). p.162
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Fossil Record. 2024 27(1). p.1
Proteaceae Leaf Fossils: Phylogeny, Diversity, Ecology and Austral Distributions
Carpenter Raymond J.
The Botanical Review. 2012 78(3). p.261
New species of xeromorphic Banksia (Proteaceae) foliage and Banksia-like pollen from the late Eocene of Western Australia
Carpenter Raymond J., Milne Lynne A.
Australian Journal of Botany. 2020 68(3). p.165
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Lauraceae from rainforest surrounding an early Miocene maar lake, Otago, southern New Zealand
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Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2012 178 p.13
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A new Miocene fern (Palaeosorum: Polypodiaceae) from New Zealand bearing in situ spores of Polypodiisporites
Kaulfuss Uwe, Conran John G., Bannister Jennifer M., Mildenhall Dallas C., Lee Daphne E.
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Late Oligocene‐Early Miocene leaf macrofossils confirm a long history ofAgathisin New Zealand
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High diversity of Lauraceae from the Oligocene of Ningming, South China
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The first record of fossil Vitaceae wood from the Southern Hemisphere, a new combination for Vitaceoxylon ramunculiformis, and reappraisal of the fossil record of the grape family (Vitaceae) from the Cenozoic of Australia
Rozefelds Andrew C., Pace Marcelo R.
Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 2018 56(4). p.283
Species-level determination of closely related araucarian resins using FTIR spectroscopy and its implications for the provenance of New Zealand amber
Seyfullah Leyla J., Sadowski Eva-Maria, Schmidt Alexander R.
PeerJ. 2015 3 p.e1067
Organic geochemistry of resins from modern Agathis australis and Eocene resins from New Zealand: Diagenetic and taxonomic implications
Lyons Paul C., Mastalerz Maria, Orem William H.
International Journal of Coal Geology. 2009 80(1). p.51
Early evidence of xeromorphy in angiosperms: Stomatal encryption in a new eocene species ofBanksia(Proteaceae) from Western Australia
Carpenter Raymond J., McLoughlin Stephen, Hill Robert S., McNamara Kenneth J., Jordan Gregory John
American Journal of Botany. 2014 101(9). p.1486
Palmately Lobed Proteaceae Leaf Fossils from the Middle Eocene of South Australia
Carpenter Raymond J., Hill Robert S., Scriven Leonie J.
International Journal of Plant Sciences. 2006 167(5). p.1049
Leaf fossils of Proteaceae subfamily Persoonioideae, tribe Persoonieae: tracing the past of an important Australasian sclerophyll lineage
Carpenter Raymond J., Tarran Myall, Hill Robert S.
Australian Systematic Botany. 2017 30(2). p.148
The non‐flowering plants of a near‐polar forest in East Gondwana, Tasmania, Australia, during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum
Slodownik Miriam A.
American Journal of Botany. 2024 111(9).
Eocene paleoclimate and young mountain-building in the Australian Eastern Highlands
Korasidis Vera A., Wallace Malcolm W., Chang Ti-Jung, Phillips David
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2023 312 p.104875
The unexpected, recent history of horsetails in Australia
Rozefelds Andrew C., Dettmann Mary E., Milroy Anita K., Hammond Andrew, Clifford H. Trevor, Ekins Merrick
Australian Systematic Botany. 2019
No mountains to snow on: major post-Eocene uplift of the East Victoria Highlands; evidence from Cenozoic deposits
Holdgate G. R., Wallace M. W., Gallagher S. J., Wagstaff B. E., Moore D.
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. 2008 55(2). p.211

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