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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

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Essential oil composition of the seasonal heterophyllous leaves of Eryngium vesiculosum from Australia

Jesús Palá-Paúl, Joseph J. Brophy, Robert J. Goldsack, Lachlan M. Copeland, M. José Pérez-Alonso and Arturo Velasco-Negueruela
51(5) pp.497 - 501

24 articles found in Crossref database.

Analysis of the essential oil composition from the different parts of Eryngium glaciale Boiss. from Spain
Palá-Paúl Jesús, Pérez-Alonso Mª José, Velasco-Negueruela Arturo, Varadé Jezabel, Villa Ana Mª, Sanz Jesús, Brophy Joseph J.
Journal of Chromatography A. 2005 1094(1-2). p.179
Essential oil composition of the different parts of Eryngium bourgatii Gouan from Spain
Palá-Paúl Jesús, Pérez-Alonso Ma José, Velasco-Negueruela Arturo, Vadaré Jezabel, Villa Ana Ma, Sanz Jesús, Brophy Joseph J.
Journal of Chromatography A. 2005 1074(1-2). p.235
Composition of the essential oil of Petagnaea gussonei (Sprengel) Rauschert, a relict species from Sicily (Southern Italy)
De Castro Olga, Senatore Felice, Rigano Daniela, Formisano Carmen, Cennamo Paola, Gianguzzi Lorenzo
Flavour and Fragrance Journal. 2008 23(3). p.172
Essential Oil Composition of Eryngium Campestre L. Growing in Different Soil Types. A Preliminary Study
Palá-Paúl Jesús, Usano-Alemany Jaime, Soria A. Cristina, Pérez-Alonso M. José, Brophy Joseph J.
Natural Product Communications. 2008 3(7). p.1934578X0800300
Chemical Composition of the Essential Oils of the Iberian Peninsula Endemic Species Eryngium dilatatum Lam.
Palá-Paúl Jesús, Pérez-Alonso María José, Soria Ana C., Brophy Joseph J.
Molecules. 2024 29(3). p.562
Composition and Antiviral Activity of the Essential Oils of Eryngium alpinum and E. amethystinum
Dunkić Valerija, Vuko Elma, Bezić Nada, Kremer Dario, Ruščić Mirko
Chemistry & Biodiversity. 2013 10(10). p.1894
Blessings in disguise: a review of phytochemical composition and antimicrobial activity of plants belonging to the genus Eryngium
Erdem Sinem Aslan, Nabavi Seyed Fazel, Orhan Ilkay Erdogan, Daglia Maria, Izadi Morteza, Nabavi Seyed Mohammad
DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2015 23(1).
Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of the volatile fraction extracted from air‐dried fruits of Tunisian Eryngium maritimum L. ecotypes
Ben Lajnef Houda, Ferioli Federico, Pasini Federica, Politowicz Joanna, Khaldi Abdelhamid, Filippo D'Antuono L, Caboni Maria Fiorenza, Nasri Nizar
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2018 98(2). p.635
Essential oil composition of Eryngium rosulatum P.W. Michael ined.: A new undescribed species from eastern Australia
Palá-Paúl Jesús, Copeland Lachlan M., Brophy Joseph J., Goldsack Robert J.
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2006 34(11). p.796
Chemical variability and antioxidant activity of Eryngium maritimum L. essential oils from Corsica and Sardinia
Darriet Florent, Andreani Stéphane, De Cian Marie‐Cécile, Costa Jean, Muselli Alain
Flavour and Fragrance Journal. 2014 29(1). p.3
Essential Oil Composition ofSantolina oblongifoliaBoiss. from Spain: An Iberian Peninsula Endemic Species
Palá-Paúl Jesús, Pérez-Alonso Ma José, Velasco-Negueruela Arturo, Villa Ana María, Granda Elena, Sanz Jesús
Journal of Essential Oil Research. 2008 20(1). p.65
Essential Oil Composition of Eryngium paludosum (Moore et Betche) P.W.Michael: An Endemic Species from Eastern Australia
Palá-Paúl Jesús, Copeland Lachlan M., Brophy Joseph J., Goldsack Robert J.
Journal of Essential Oil Research. 2008 20(5). p.416
Plant Natural Sources of the Endocannabinoid (E)-β-Caryophyllene: A Systematic Quantitative Analysis of Published Literature
Maffei Massimo E.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020 21(18). p.6540
Chemotypification of Astrantia major L. (Apiaceae): Essential‐Oil and Lignan Profiles of Fruits
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Chemistry & Biodiversity. 2012 9(7). p.1320
Composition of the essential oils from leafy parts of the shoots, flowers and fruits of Eryngium amethystinum from Amiata Mount (Tuscany, Italy)
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Food Chemistry. 2008 107(2). p.671
Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil from Flowers of Eryngium triquetrum (Apiaceae) Collected Wild in Sicily
Casiglia Simona, Bruno Maurizio, Rosselli Sergio, Senatore Felice
Natural Product Communications. 2016 11(7). p.1934578X1601100
Phytochemical Constituents and Inhibitory Activity towards Methicillin‐Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Strains of Eryngium Species (Apiaceae)
Çelik Ali, Aydınlık Nilüfer, Arslan Idris
Chemistry & Biodiversity. 2011 8(3). p.454
The Essential Oil Composition of Eryngium galioides Lam.—An Endemic Species of the Iberian Peninsula
Palá-Paúl Jesús, Abad-Calderón Rubén, Pérez-Alonso María José, Brophy Joseph J., Soria Ana C.
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Diversity. 2022 14(2). p.124
The Essential Oil Composition of Trachymene incisa Rudge subsp. incisa Rudge from Australia
Palá-Paúl Jesús, Copeland Lachlan M., Brophy Joseph J.
Plants. 2021 10(3). p.601
Essential Oil Composition of the Different Parts of Eryngium aquifolium from Spain
Palá-Paúl Jesús, Usano-Alemany Jaime, Brophy Joseph J., Pérez-Alonso María J., Soria Ana-Cristina
Natural Product Communications. 2010 5(5). p.1934578X1000500
Characterization and Chemical Composition of the Volatile Oils from Aerial Parts ofEryngium bungeiBioss. (Apiaceae) by Using Traditional Hydrodistillation, Microwave Assisted Hydrodistillation and Head Space Solid Phase Microextraction Methods Prior to GC and GC/MS Analyses: A Comparative Approach
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Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants. 2013 16(5). p.613
Chemical Composition, Antifungal and Antibacterial Activity of the Essential Oil of Chamaecyparis Nootkatensis from Spain
Palá-Paúl Jesús, Usano-Alemany Jaime, Granda Elena, Soria Ana-Cristina
Natural Product Communications. 2009 4(7). p.1934578X0900400
Essential oil composition of the different parts of Eryngium corniculatum Lam. (Apiaceae) from Spain
Palá-Paúl Jesús, Brophy Joseph J., Pérez-Alonso M. José, Usano Jaime, Soria S. Cristina
Journal of Chromatography A. 2007 1175(2). p.289

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