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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

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Where and why have all the flowers gone? Depletion and turnover in the New Zealand Cenozoic angiosperm flora in relation to palaeogeography and climate

Daphne E. Lee, William G. Lee and Nick Mortimer
49(3) pp.341 - 356

165 articles found in Crossref database.

Lineage through time analyses have their limitations: the case of the New Zealand flora
McCarthy James K., McGlone Matt S., Heenan Peter B.
New Zealand Journal of Botany. 2021 59(2). p.157
New Zealand Freshwater Fishes (2010)
McDowall R. M.
First record of Fergusonina (Diptera: Fergusoninidae) and associated Fergusobia (Tylenchida: Neotylenchidae) forming galls on Metrosideros (Myrtaceae) from New Zealand
Systematic Entomology. 2007 32(3). p.548
Global hotspots in the present-day distribution of ancient animal and plant lineages
Procheş Şerban, Ramdhani Syd, Perera Sandun J., Ali Jason R., Gairola Sanjay
Scientific Reports. 2015 5(1).
Was New Zealand a primary source for the New Caledonian flora?
Pole Mike
Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology. 2010 34(1). p.61
Origin of the Matauri Bay halloysite deposit, Northland, New Zealand
Brathwaite R. L., Christie A. B., Faure K., Townsend M. G., Terlesk S.
Mineralium Deposita. 2012 47(8). p.897
The age and diversification of terrestrial New World ecosystems through Cretaceous and Cenozoic time
Graham Alan
American Journal of Botany. 2011 98(3). p.336
Origin, Diversification, and Classification of the Australasian Genus Dracophyllum (Richeeae, Ericaceae)1
Wagstaff Steven J., Dawson Murray I., Venter Stephanus, Munzinger Jérôme, Crayn Darren M., Steane Dorothy A., Lemson Kristina L.
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 2010 97(2). p.235
Austral lichenology: 1690–2008
Galloway David J.
New Zealand Journal of Botany. 2008 46(4). p.433
Sexual systems in the New Zealand angiosperm flora
McGlone Matt S., Richardson Sarah J.
New Zealand Journal of Botany. 2023 61(4). p.201
Evolution on a shaky piece of Gondwana: is local endemism recent in New Caledonia?
Murienne Jérôme, Grandcolas Philippe, Piulachs Maria Dolors, Bellés Xavier, D'Haese Cyrille, Legendre Frédéric, Pellens Roseli, Guilbert Eric
Cladistics. 2005 21(1). p.2
Diverse and abundant insect herbivory on Miocene Nothofagaceae of the Dunedin Volcano, Otago, New Zealand
Reichgelt Tammo, Jones Wyn A., Jones David T., Conran John G., Lee Daphne E.
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments. 2016 96(2). p.265
Pre-Gondwanan-breakup origin of Beauprea (Proteaceae) explains its historical presence in New Caledonia and New Zealand
He Tianhua, Lamont Byron B., Fogliani Bruno
Science Advances. 2016 2(4).
Geological controls on palaeo-environmental change in a tectonic rain shadow, southern New Zealand
Craw D., Druzbicka J., Rufaut C., Waters J.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2013 370 p.103
Faunal influences on New Zealand seed dispersal characteristics
Thorsen Michael J., Seddon Philip J., Dickinson Katharine J. M.
Evolutionary Ecology. 2011 25(6). p.1397
A 100 million year composite pollen record from New Zealand shows maximum angiosperm abundance delayed until Eocene
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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2021 566 p.110207
Evolution of the New Zealand vascular flora: Regional and provincial patterns of richness, radiation, and endemism
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New Zealand Journal of Botany. 2005 43(2). p.381
Diversification and trait evolution in New Zealand woody lineages across changing biomes
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Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 2024 54(1). p.98
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Molecular Ecology. 2011 20(16). p.3399
Subtropical rainforest vegetation from Cosy Dell, Southland: plant fossil evidence for Late Oligocene terrestrial ecosystems
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New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 2014 57(2). p.236
Do modern climatic niches distinguish extinct and extant plant genera in New Zealand?
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Wood Jamie, Wilmshurst Janet, Newnham Rewi, McGlone Matt
Biological Invasions in New Zealand (2006)
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Benefits from living together? Clades whose species use similar habitats may persist as a result of eco‐evolutionary feedbacks
Prinzing Andreas, Ozinga Wim A., Brändle Martin, Courty Pierre‐Emmanuel, Hennion Françoise, Labandeira Conrad, Parisod Christian, Pihain Mickael, Bartish Igor V.
New Phytologist. 2017 213(1). p.66
Precipitation alters the strength of evolutionary priority effects in forest community assembly of pteridophytes and angiosperms
Brandt Angela J., Tanentzap Andrew J., Leopold Devin R., Heenan Peter B., Fukami Tadashi, Lee William G., Edwards David
Journal of Ecology. 2016 104(6). p.1673
Support for vicariant origins of the New Zealand Onychophora
Allwood Julia, Gleeson Dianne, Mayer Georg, Daniels Savel, Beggs Jacqueline R., Buckley Thomas R.
Journal of Biogeography. 2010 37(4). p.669
Population structure and biogeography of Hemiphaga pigeons (Aves: Columbidae) on islands in the New Zealand region
Goldberg Julia, Trewick Steven A., Powlesland Ralph G.
Journal of Biogeography. 2011 38(2). p.285
Mid-Cretaceous (Albian–Cenomanian) freshwater Mollusca from the Clarence Valley, Marlborough, New Zealand, and their biogeographical significance
Beu Alan G., Marshall Bruce A., Reay Miles B.
Cretaceous Research. 2014 49 p.134
Biogeography of the monocotyledon astelioid clade (Asparagales): A history of long-distance dispersal and diversification with emerging habitats
Birch Joanne L., Kocyan Alexander
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2021 163 p.107203
Phylogenetic analysis of New Zealand earthworms (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) reveals ancient clades and cryptic taxonomic diversity
Buckley Thomas R., James Sam, Allwood Julia, Bartlam Scott, Howitt Robyn, Prada Diana
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2011 58(1). p.85
Origins of the fern genus Hymenophyllum (Hymenophyllaceae) in New Caledonia: Multiple independent colonizations from surrounding territories and limited in situ diversification
Rio Cédric Del, Hennequin Sabine, Rouhan Germinal, Ebihara Atsushi, Lowry II Porter P., Dubuisson Jean-Yves, Gaudeul1 Myriam
TAXON. 2017 66(5). p.1041
Wattles (2023)
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Encyclopedia of Geology (2005)
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Relict species: a relict concept?
Grandcolas Philippe, Nattier Romain, Trewick Steve
Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 2014 29(12). p.655
Austral Ark (2014)
Lee William G., Lee Daphne E.
Cenozoic formation and colonisation history of the New Zealand vascular flora based on molecular clock dating of the plastidrbcLgene
Heenan Peter B., McGlone Matt S.
New Zealand Journal of Botany. 2019 57(4). p.204
The effect of single biome occupancy on the estimation of biome shifts and the detection of biome conservatism
Dale Esther E., Larcombe Matthew J., Lee William G., Rigal François
PLOS ONE. 2021 16(3). p.e0248839
The flora of Double Hill (Dunedin Volcanic Complex, Middle–Late Miocene) Otago, New Zealand
Reichgelt T, Jones WA, Jones DT, Conran JG, Bannister JM, Kennedy EM, Mildenhall DC, Lee DE
Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 2014 44(4). p.105
The genus Melanthalia (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta): new insights from New Caledonia and New Zealand
Nelson Wendy A., Payri Claude E., Sutherland Judy E., Dalen Jennifer
Phycologia. 2013 52(5). p.426
Evolution of New Zealand's terrestrial fauna: a review of molecular evidence
Goldberg Julia, Trewick Steven A, Paterson Adrian M
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2008 363(1508). p.3319
The extinction of Miocene broad-leaved deciduous Nothofagaceae and loss of seasonal forest biomes in New Zealand
Reichgelt Tammo, Lee William G., Lee Daphne E.
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2022 307 p.104779
The Neotropical endemic liverwort subfamily Micropterygioideae had circum‐Antarctic links to the rest of the Lepidoziaceae during the early Cretaceous
Rayos Antonio L., Renner Matthew A. M., Ho Simon Y. W.
Ecology and Evolution. 2024 14(3).
Diversification of Chionochloa (Poaceae) and biogeography of the New Zealand Southern Alps
Pirie Michael D., Lloyd Kelvin M., Lee William G., Linder H. Peter
Journal of Biogeography. 2010 37(2). p.379
The origins and evolution of the genus Myosotis L. (Boraginaceae)
Winkworth Richard C, Grau Jürke, Robertson Alastair W, Lockhart Peter J
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2002 24(2). p.180
New Zealand phylogeography: evolution on a small continent
Molecular Ecology. 2009 18(17). p.3548
Does disturbance, competition or resource limitation underlie Hieracium lepidulum invasion in New Zealand? Mechanisms of establishment and persistence, and functional differentiation among invasive and native species
Austral Ecology. 2010 35(3). p.282
The Volutid generaAthletaandLyria(Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the New Zealand Cenozoic
Maxwell Phillip A.
Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 2003 33(1). p.363
A dated species–tree approach to the trans–Pacific disjunction of the genusJovellana(Calceolariaceae, Lamiales)
Nylinder Stephan, Swenson Ulf, Persson Claes, Janssens Steven B., Oxelman Bengt
TAXON. 2012 61(2). p.381
A review of the genus Pelodiaetus Jeannel (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Anillini) of New Zealand, with re-description of the genus, description of a new species, and notes on the evolutionary history
Sokolov Igor M.
ZooKeys. 2019 879 p.33
Contrasting palaeoenvironments of the mid/late Miocene Dunedin Volcano, southern New Zealand: Climate or topography?
Reichgelt Tammo, Kennedy Elizabeth M., Jones Wyn A., Jones David T., Lee Daphne E.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2016 441 p.696
Climate-Change Effects on Alpine Plant Biodiversity: A New Zealand Perspective on Quantifying the Threat
Halloy Stephan R. P., Mark Alan F.
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 2003 35(2). p.248
Generic delimitation and phylogenetic uncertainty: an example from a group that has undergone an explosive radiation
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Australian Systematic Botany. 2005 18(1). p.41
Malloranga dentata (Euphorbiaceae: Acalyphoideae): A new fossil species from the Miocene of New Zealand
Conran John G., Lee Daphne E., Reichgelt Tammo
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2016 226 p.58
Morphology and palaeoenvironmental context ofFouldenia staminosa, a fossil flower with associated pollen from the Early Miocene of Otago, New Zealand
Bannister Jennifer M., Lee Daphne E., Raine J. Ian
New Zealand Journal of Botany. 2005 43(2). p.515
NothofagussubgenusBrassospora(Nothofagaceae) leaf fossils from New Zealand: a link to Australia and New Guinea?
Carpenter Raymond J., Bannister Jennifer M., Lee Daphne E., Jordan Gregory J.
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2014 174(4). p.503
Biological Invasions in New Zealand (2006)
Craine J. M., Lee W. G., Walker S.
A population genomics analysis of the Aotearoa New Zealand endemic rewarewa tree (Knightia excelsa)
McCartney Ann M., Koot Emily, Prebble Jessica M., Jibran Rubina, Mitchell Caroline, Podolyan Ana, Fergus Alexander J., Arnst Elise, Herron Katie E., Houliston Gary, Buckley Thomas R., Chagné David
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LibocedrusMacrofossils from Tasmania (Australia)
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International Journal of Plant Sciences. 2009 170(3). p.381
Early Eocene Ripogonum (Liliales: Ripogonaceae) leaf macrofossils from southern Australia
Conran John G., Carpenter Raymond J., Jordan Gregory J.
Australian Systematic Botany. 2009 22(3). p.219
Biological flora of New Zealand (15):Ixerba brexioides, tāwari
Nepia Rachel E., Clarkson Bruce D.
New Zealand Journal of Botany. 2018 56(1). p.2
The formation of the oceanic temperate forests of New Zealand
McGlone MS, Buitenwerf R, Richardson SJ
New Zealand Journal of Botany. 2016 54(2). p.128
Eccentricity‐Paced Southern Hemisphere Glacial‐Interglacial Cyclicity Preceding the Middle Miocene Climatic Transition
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Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. 2018 33(7). p.795
The Waipounamu Erosion Surface: questioning the antiquity of the New Zealand land surface and terrestrial fauna and flora
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A diverse fern flora including macrofossils with in situ spores from the late Eocene of southern New Zealand
Homes Aline M., Cieraad Ellen, Lee Daphne E., Lindqvist Jon K., Raine J. Ian, Kennedy Elizabeth M., Conran John G.
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2015 220 p.16
The effect of fire on terrestrial amphipods (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in a natural grassland community
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Paleocene high-latitude leaf flora of Antarctica Part 1: entire-margined angiosperms
Tosolini Anne-Marie P., Cantrill David J., Francis Jane E.
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Taxonomic and ecological profiles of rarity in the New Zealand vascular flora
Rogers Geoffrey, Walker Susan
New Zealand Journal of Botany. 2002 40(1). p.73
Covariation in leaf and root traits for native and non-native grasses along an altitudinal gradient in New Zealand
Craine J. M., Lee W. G.
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Phylogenetic Position and Subspecies Divergence of the Endangered New Zealand Dotterel (Charadrius obscurus)
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New Zealand Freshwater Fishes (2010)
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Mesozoic sooty mould beetles as living relicts in New Zealand
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Directional asymmetry of long‐distance dispersal and colonization could mislead reconstructions of biogeography
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AnAkania(Akaniaceae) inflorescence with associated pollen from the early Miocene of New Zealand
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American Journal of Botany. 2019 106(2). p.292
High conifer diversity in Oligo-Miocene New Zealand
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The early Miocene paleolake Manuherikia: vegetation heterogeneity and warm-temperate to subtropical climate in southern New Zealand
Reichgelt Tammo, Kennedy Elizabeth M., Conran John G., Mildenhall Dallas C., Lee Daphne E.
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New Zealand Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene Macrofossil and Pollen Records and Modern Plant Distributions in the Southern Hemisphere
Lee Daphne E., Conran John G., Lindqvist Jon K., Bannister Jennifer M., Mildenhall Dallas C.
The Botanical Review. 2012 78(3). p.235
Reproductive niche conservatism in the isolated New Zealand flora over 23 million years
Conran John G., Lee William G., Lee Daphne E., Bannister Jennifer M., Kaulfuss Uwe
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Gold nugget morphology and geochemical environments of nugget formation, southern New Zealand
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Review of flowers and inflorescences with in situ pollen from the Miocene Foulden and Hindon Konservat-Lagerstätten, southern New Zealand
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Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2023 311 p.104830
Early Miocene Formicidae (Amblyoponinae, Ectatomminae, ?Dolichoderinae, Formicinae, and Ponerinae) from the Foulden Maar Fossil Lagerstätte, New Zealand, and their biogeographic relevance
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Phylogeography of the Endangered Otago Skink, Oligosoma otagense: Population Structure, Hybridisation and Genetic Diversity in Captive Populations
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Intraskeletal bone growth patterns in the North Island Brown Kiwi (Apteryx mantelli): Growth mark discrepancy and implications for extinct taxa
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Historical biogeography of the New Zealand freshwater crayfishes (Parastacidae,Paranephropsspp.): Restoration of a refugial survivor?
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Molecular phylogenetic relationships reveal taxonomic and biogeographic clades inDianella(flax lilies; Asphodelaceae, Hemerocallidoideae)
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A critical framework for the assessment of biological palaeoproxies: predicting past climate and levels of atmospheric CO2 from fossil leaves
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Molecular phylogeny of the scincid lizards of New Caledonia and adjacent areas: Evidence for a single origin of the endemic skinks of Tasmantis
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Leaf fossils of the ancient Tasmanian relict Microcachrys (Podocarpaceae) from New Zealand
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Lauraceae from rainforest surrounding an early Miocene maar lake, Otago, southern New Zealand
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Multiple lineages of hyper‐diverse Zopheridae beetles survived the New Zealand Oligocene Drowning
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Journal of Biogeography. 2020 47(4). p.927
Changes in leaf physiognomy of New Zealand woody assemblages in response to Neogene environmental cooling
Reichgelt Tammo, Lee William G., Lusk Christopher H., Kennedy Elizabeth M.
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Phase change and flowering in woody plants of the New Zealand flora
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Four new species and a new monotypic genusHoheriococcus(Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Eriococcidae) associated with plant galls in New Zealand.
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The effect of volcanism on cool-water carbonate facies during maximum inundation of Zealandia in the Waitaki–Oamaru region
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The monocot fossil pollen record of New Zealand and its implications for palaeoclimates and environments
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New World Origins of Southwest Pacific Gesneriaceae: Multiple Movements Across and Within the South Pacific
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Proteaceae Leaf Fossils: Phylogeny, Diversity, Ecology and Austral Distributions
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New Caledonia: a very old Darwinian island?
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A late Early Pleistocene tephrochronological and pollen record from Auckland, New Zealand
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Leaf fossils of Luzuriaga and a monocot flower with in situ pollen of Liliacidites contortus Mildenh. & Bannister sp. nov. (Alstroemeriaceae) from the Early Miocene
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New Caledonia–Australian connections: biogeographic patterns and geology
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Ancient relicts or recent immigrants? Different dating strategies alter diversification scenarios of New Zealand aquatic beetles (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Berosus)
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An Eocene moncotyledon from Nelly Creek, Central Australia, with affinities to Hemerocallidaceae (Lilianae: Asparagales)
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Geology of New Zealand’s Sub-Antarctic Islands
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Eco-evolutionary priority and the assembly of the New Zealand flora
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Cenozoic extinction and recolonization in the New Zealand flora: The case of the fleshy-fruited epacrids (Styphelieae, Styphelioideae, Ericaceae)
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Calamoid fossil palm leaves and fruits (Arecaceae: Calamoideae) from Late Eocene Southland, New Zealand
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A fossil Fuchsia (Onagraceae) flower and an anther mass with in situ pollen from the early Miocene of New Zealand
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Leaf fossils of Proteaceae tribe Persoonieae from the Late Oligocene - Early Miocene of New Zealand
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The New Zealand fossil record of ferns for the past 85 million years
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Phylogeny of the Bangia flora of New Zealand suggests a southern origin for Porphyra and Bangia (Bangiales, Rhodophyta)
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Globally basal centres of endemism: the Tasman-Coral Sea region (south-west Pacific), Latin America and Madagascar/South Africa
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Phylogeography of six codistributed New Zealand cicadas and their relationship to multiple biogeographical boundaries suggest a re‐evaluation of the Taupo Line
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A synopsis of the Early Miocene St Bathans Fauna of New Zealand
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Monorchiids (Platyhelminthes: Digenea) of chaetodontid fishes (Perciformes): Biogeographical patterns in the tropical Indo-West Pacific
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