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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

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An investigation of long-distance dispersal based on species native to both Tasmania and New Zealand

Gregory J. Jordan
49(3) pp.333 - 340

58 articles found in Crossref database.

Long-distance dispersal to oceanic islands: success of plants with multiple diaspore specializations
Vargas Pablo, Arjona Yurena, Nogales Manuel, Heleno Ruben H.
AoB Plants. 2015 7 p.plv073
Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (2024)
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Wright David M., Jordan Greg J., Lee William G., Duncan Richard P., Forsyth David M., Coomes David A.
Functional Ecology. 2010 24(1). p.52
AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora
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Eco-evolutionary priority and the assembly of the New Zealand flora
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Peter Linder H., Antonelli Alexandre, Humphreys Aelys M., Pirie Michael D., Wüest Rafael O., Ladle Richard
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The biogeography of Gunnera L.: vicariance and dispersal
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A Middle‐Late Eocene inflorescence of Caryophyllaceae from Tasmania, Australia
Jordan Gregory J., Macphail Michael K.
American Journal of Botany. 2003 90(5). p.761
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Jordan Gregory J., Bannister Jennifer M., Mildenhall Dallas C., Zetter Reinhard, Lee Daphne E.
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New Zealand endemicNeomyrtusis sister to New Caledonian endemicMyrtastrum(Myrtaceae, Myrteae)
Smissen Rob D., Heenan Peter B., Maurin Kévin J. L.
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Habitat type and dispersal mode underlie the capacity for plant migration across an intermittent seaway
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Marine biogeographical structure in two highly dispersive gastropods: implications for trans‐Tasman dispersal
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Changing perspectives on the biogeography of the tropical South Pacific: influences of dispersal, vicariance and extinction
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Once more into the wilderness of panbiogeography: a reply to Heads (2014)
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