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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

Factors affecting post-fire seedling establishment of selected mallee understorey species

J. S. Cohn and R. A. Bradstock

Australian Journal of Botany 48(1) 59 - 70
Published: 2000


Factors affecting the survival of post-fire germinants in mallee communities, in central western New South Wales, were examined. Experiments compared the relative effects of native and introduced herbivores (kangaroos, goats, rabbits), after small- and large-scale fires (20–50 and > 10 000 ha, respectively), with particular emphasis on edge effects, seedling clustering, topography and eucalypt canopy presence. The experiments (1985–1997) focused on common understorey species Acacia rigens Cunn. ex Don, A. wilhelmiana F.Muell. and Triodia scariosa N.T.Burb. subsp. scariosa, in mallee dominated by Eucalyptus species. Following a large fire (1985), high spring rainfall and rabbit grazing on A. rigens only, survival of Acacia species and T. scariosa remained relatively high 4 years later (60–70%). After small burns (1987, 1988), low spring rainfall and grazing by rabbits and kangaroos, survival of Acacia species declined to between 0 and 30% of the germinants by the second summer. In most cases, local extinction had occurred within 8 years. After small burns (1988, 1989) and low spring rainfall, the survival of T. scariosa declined to between 0 and 35% of germinants by the second summer (effect of grazing unknown). No consistent effect of edge, topography and eucalypt canopy was found. Survival of clustered Acacia seedlings was between 10 and 20% lower than unclustered seedlings. Given the high frequency of low rainfall and its interaction with grazing, prescribed burning of mallee for wildfire control and nature conservation may require the local elimination of rabbits and a reduction in kangaroo numbers, especially in the first spring and summer following seedling germination.

© CSIRO 2000

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