Ovules and Seeds of Tremandraceae
F. D. Boesewinkel
Australian Journal of Botany
47(5) 769 - 781
Published: 1999
The Tremandraceae have bitegmic, anatropous and crassinucellate ovules with dermal integuments and a very thick inner integument. A chalazal appendage is present in Tetratheca and Tremandra. The hairy seeds have a seed coat with a crystalliferous endotesta and a fibrous exotegmen. The cream-coloured chalazal appendage functions as an elaiosome and the walls of the epidermal cells are rich in fatty substances. The seeds of Platytheca lack the elaiosome but are covered with inflated and thinner hairs. The ovule and seed characters of Tremandraceae suggest a relationship with the Linales alliance.https://doi.org/10.1071/BT98016
© CSIRO 1999