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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

Phialophora and Phialophora-Like Fungi Occurring in the Root Region of Wheat

K Sivasithamparam

Australian Journal of Botany 23(1) 193 - 212
Published: 1975


Fungi belonging to the genera Phialophora and Rhinocladiella have been encountered in the root region of wheat in Western Australia. P. verrucosa, P. cyclaminis, P. fastigiata, P. malorum, P. hoffmannii, P, mutabilis, P. lignicola, the Phialophora state of Gaeumannomyces graminis, and some i solates which could not be matched with any described species of the genus Phialophora are described. P. malorum, P. fastigiata and P. hoffmannii (strain WUFG 1.481) each reduced the pathogenicity of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici to wheat seedlings growing in unsterilized sand, when inoculated along with it.

Rhinocladiella mansonii is very common in Western Australian wheat-field soils, but the strains are highly variable. Strains of the fungus R , pedrosoi, which is usually associated with chromo-blastomycosis in man, have also been isolated. It is possible that both these species of Rhinocladiella, even though they are known to have strains pathogenic to man and animals, are not pathogenic but live only as soil saprophytes.

© CSIRO 1975

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