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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

The Australian species of Sesbania Scopoli (Leguminosae)

NT Burbidge

Australian Journal of Botany 13(1) 103 - 141
Published: 1965


The Australian representatives of Sesbania Scopoli nom. cons. are revised. Ten species are recognized, of which three are known in varietal form as well as in the type form. With the exception of S. cannabina, S. javanica, and S. sesban, which are widespread in Malaysia, all are endemics restricted to the tropical zone and adjacent parts of the northern Eremaea of Australia. The distribution patterns show that the majority of species are associated either with the drainage systems of the Ord, Fitzroy, and Victoria Rivers in the west or with the region draining into the Gulf of Carpentaria. The view is expressed that this is the result of discontinuity during an arid climatic phase.

The nomenclatural results are as follows: S. grandiflora sensu Benth. = S. Formosa comb. nov. ; S. sericea sensu Domin = S. cannabina (Retz.) Poir. ; S. aculeata var. parviflora Benth. = S. brachycarpa F. Muell.; S. benthamiana var. orthocarpa Domin sens. str. = S. benthamiana Domin; S. benthamiana var. campylocarpa Domin = S. campylocarpa stat. nov.; S. benthamiana var. erubescens (Benth.) Domin = S. Erubescens stat. nov.

One new species, S. chippendalei, is described; S. sericea var. inermis Domin sens. str. is referred to S. cannabina var. sericea; and S. simpliciuscula F. Muell. ex Benth. is recognized in the type variety and also under var.fitzroyensis. A few specimens are tentatively referred to S. sesban (L.) Merrill. A number of specimens are placed under S. javanica Miq., including some of the material referred to S. benthamiana var. orthocarpa by Domin.

© CSIRO 1965

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