A comprehensive functional trait database of seagrasses in tropical Queensland
Chieh Lin
Seagrasses form an important habitat that provides diverse ecosystem services essential for both the environment and people. In tropical Queensland, Australia, these meadows hold significant economic and cultural value, serving as nurseries for marine species and sustaining dugongs and green turtles. The biomass and size of tropical seagrass meadows in Queensland varies considerably and are influenced by various factors, both biotic and abiotic.
Functional trait-based approaches can improve the estimation of seagrass-meadow resilience and services provision by describing the relationship between environment and individual performance. To support these approaches, we provide a seagrass functional-trait database focusing on resilience and function provision for tropical Queensland.
We employed a combination of literature reviews, database searches, botanical information, and structured expert elicitation to target 17 functional traits across 13 seagrass species in tropical Queensland.
We developed a traits database to inform functional trait-based approaches to assessing seagrass-meadow resilience and dynamics. The outputs included trait information for approximately 78% of the targeted traits (of 221 unique trait–seagrass combinations).
With current information on functional traits, we can improve the estimation of resilience and ecosystem services for tropical Queensland seagrass species. We have also highlighted trait data gaps and areas for further research.
We have provided examples of applying this database within the tropical Queensland context, with the potential to facilitate regional comparative studies. Our database complements existing plant-trait databases and serves as a valuable resource for future trait-based seagrass research in tropical Queensland.
Keywords: database, ecosystem services, functional trait, plant morphology, resilience, seagrasses, trait-based approach, tropical Queensland.
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