Mitigation of disease and browsing impacts, and translocation, supports post-fire threatened flora recovery
Sarah Barrett A , Colin J. Yates B , Rebecca Dillon

For plant species that have evolved in fire-prone environments, declines after wildfires are often driven by the combination of fire and other threatening processes. Mitigating the impacts of these threatening processes can sometimes effectively support post-fire population recovery.
We test the effectiveness of: (1) phosphite application to mitigate Phytophthora dieback; (2) fencing to exclude browsing by mammalian herbivores; and (3) translocation to sites where threats can be practically managed, for conservation of threatened flora affected by wildfires in 2018 and 2019 in the Stirling Range (Koi Kyeunu-ruff), south-western Australia.
Survival of Phytophthora-susceptible flora was compared in repeatedly sampled plots from prior to and after wildfire and ± recurrent phosphite application. Survival and growth of browsing-susceptible flora was compared post-fire in fenced and control plots. Survival, growth and flowering was compared between wild populations recruiting after wildfire and translocated populations.
Phosphite application increased survival of most Phytophthora-susceptible flora. Fencing led to greater growth and often increased survival. Translocated populations, with supplemental water, had greater growth rates and earlier flowering than wild populations, and a non-significant trend for higher survival.
These findings provide strong evidence supporting continuation of phosphite application, herbivore exclusion and translocation for post-fire recovery of the threatened flora of the Stirling Range.
With increasing wildfire extent, frequency and impact across the globe, successful management of non-fire threats will be crucial for post-fire conservation of threatened flora, with the approaches proving effective in this study likely to have conservation value elsewhere.
Keywords: exclusion fencing, fire regime, herbivore, phosphite, Phytophthora, recruitment, seed production area, Southwest Australian Floristic Regionxs.
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