Flora and structure of the naturally regenerating riparian vegetation of the Rio Doce River: basis for environmental restoration actions
José Gustavo Santana Neves A , Camila Silveira Souza

The failure of the Fundão dam devastated a large area of the Atlantic Forest, causing damage to and loss of riparian forests. Considering all the ecological roles of a terrestrial and freshwater community, it is necessary to understand the functioning of riparian forests and their regenerative potential, which will be decisive in selecting actions to restore these ecosystems, especially Atlantic Forest remnants.
We evaluated the flora and structure of the regenerating stratum in three riparian vegetation remnants along the Rio Doce basin to support the propagation and restoration of the affected environments.
Plots of 5 m × 5 m were made in each area, totalling 77 sampling units. In these plots, all woody individuals with a diameter at soil height (DSH) of at least ≥1 cm and diameter at breast height (1.3 m from the soil) of at least <5 cm were marked, measured (in height and DSH), sampled and identified.
A total of 275 species distributed in 47 families were sampled, with Fabaceae the most diverse family and Siparuna guianensis Aubl. the most abundant species. Variation in β diversity was significant, and composition analysis showed that plots of each area tended to cluster. Principal component analysis and linear models showed that the edaphic parameters were not related to the richness and abundance of species in the sampled areas.
The areas sampled here serve as a reference for the restoration of impacted areas.
This study represents an important step towards knowing the species in reference areas for an active and efficient restoration in impacted areas.
Keywords: anthropic impacts, beta diversity, biodiversity, checklist, conservation, edaphic traits, environmental disasters, phytosociology, tropical vegetation.
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