The extent and applications of metal accumulation and hyperaccumulation in Philippine plants
Sarah Duddigan

To examine the potential applications of hyperaccumulator plants in the Philippines, we reviewed current data on the extent of metal hyperaccumulation in native species and partitioning of metals within the plant tissue. Twenty-eight species had reported tissue concentrations above the hyperaccumulator threshold, 11 species were endemic to the Philippines. Nickel was present in higher concentrations in the aboveground tissue than in the belowground tissue, but the reverse was found for copper, aluminium and chromium. The fact that copper accumulates belowground rather than above, and most hyperaccumulators of nickel identified were trees, has implications for the potential of phytoextraction using native Philippines flora.
Keywords: bioaccumulation factor, hyperaccumulator, metal tolerance, metallophyte, Philippine flora, phytoextraction, phytomining, phytoremediation, translocation factor.
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