Changes in soil carbon and soil nitrogen after tree clearing in the semi-arid rangelands of Queensland
B. P. Harms A B D , R. C. Dalal A B and A. P. Cramp CA Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Indooroopilly, Qld 4068, Australia.
B CRC for Greenhouse Accounting, GPO Box 475, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.
C School of Land and Food Sciences, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Qld 4068, Australia.
D Corresponding author. Email:
Australian Journal of Botany 53(7) 639-650
Submitted: 4 October 2004 Accepted: 21 March 2005 Published: 29 November 2005
Changes in soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stocks following tree clearing were estimated at 32 rangeland sites in central and southern Queensland by using paired-site sampling. When corrected for soil bulk-density differences at each site, average soil C across all sites decreased after tree clearing by 8.0% for 0–0.3-m soil depth, and by 5.4% for 0–1.0-m depth; there were corresponding declines in soil C of 2.5 and 3.5 t ha–1, respectively. Mean soil C stocks (excluding surface litter, extractable roots and coarse charcoal) at uncleared sites were 29.5 t ha–1 for 0–0.3-m soil depth, and 62.5 t ha–1 for 0–1.0-m depth. Mean soil C stocks (0–0.3 m) were 41% of the mean total C for the soil–plant system (soil + litter/woody debris + stand biomass) at uncleared sites. Soil C decline (0–0.3 m) accounted for approximately 7% of the average total C lost because of land clearing across all sites. Soil C stocks at uncleared sites were correlated with tree basal area, clay content and soil phosphorus (P) content. Changes in soil C after tree clearing were strongly correlated to initial soil C contents at the uncleared sites, and were associated with particular vegetation groups and soil types. Changes in soil N were strongly correlated with changes in soil C; however, the average change in soil N across all sites was not significant. Given the size of the C and N pools in rangeland soils, the factors that influence soil C and soil N dynamics in rangeland systems need to be better understood for the effective management of C stocks in these soils.
The authors thank the many landholders who permitted access to their properties for sampling purposes, and provided land-management information. Many staff members at Queensland Government regional offices (NRM and DPI) assisted with site identification and information. Special thanks go to laboratory staff at the NRM Analytical Centre, Indooroopilly, Queensland, who performed the majority of the chemical and physical analyses. We also thank John Carter for many helpful suggestions during the project. Frank Duncalfe and David Mayer provided advice on the statistical analysis. Three anonymous referees provided helpful comments on the manuscript. Financial assistance provided by the Australian Greenhouse Office for this work is gratefully acknowledged. Soil samples for three of the paired sites were collected, processed and analysed with the support of a research grant from the Australian Research Council jointly administered by the Department of Natural Resources and the University of Queensland. Samples for one of the sites were collected and processed with the support of the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Accounting.
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