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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

Utilisation of inorganic and organic phosphorus sources by isolates of Amanita muscaria and Amanita species native to temperate eastern Australia

Nicole A. Sawyer, Susan M. Chambers and John W. G. Cairney

Australian Journal of Botany 51(2) 151 - 158
Published: 16 April 2003


Utilisation of orthophosphate, inositol hexaphosphate and DNA by isolates of Amanita alboverrucosa, A. conicoverrucosa, A. fuscosquamosa, A. muscaria, A. nauseosa, A. ochrophylla, A. pyramidifera, Aroseolamellata, A. xanthocephala and six unidentified Amanita species from eastern Australian temperate sclerophyll forests was examined during growth in axenic liquid cultures. With the exception of A. nauseosa and Axanthocephala on DNA, isolates of all taxa were shown to utilise orthophosphate and both organic substrates as sole phosphorus sources. Considerable intraspecific variation in utilisation of the organic phosphorus sources relative to orthophosphate was observed for A. muscaria and the native Australian taxa. Overall the data suggest that Amanita spp. may contribute significantly to organic phosphorus mobilisation in Australian forest soils.

© CSIRO 2003

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