Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 41 Number 4 1988
AS Al-Janabi, SR AI-Kattib and Z D Taha
pp. 403-408
BI9880409The Heavy-chain Stoichiometry of Smooth Muscle Myosin is a Characteristic of Smooth Muscle Tissues
Mukhallad A Mohammad and Malcolm P Sparrow
pp. 409-420
BI9880435Dietary Regulation of Ornithine Transcarbamylase mRNA in Liver and Small Intestine
Christopher Wraight and Nicholas Hoogenraad
pp. 435-440
BI9880441Effect of Anti-oestradiol-17B Antibodies on the Reproductive Response of Ewes Superovulated with PMSG
J Eppleston, CD Nancarrow, K Battye, RM Hoskinson and E M Roberts
pp. 441-446
BI9880447Nitrogenase Activity in the Queensland Fruit Fly, Dacus tryoni
KM Murphy, IC Mac Rae and DS Teakle
pp. 447-452
BI9880453Insulin Affects Glucose Uptake by Muscle and Mammary Tissues of Lactating Ewes
D Leenanuruksa, P Niumsup and GH McDowell
pp. 453-462
BI9880463Effects of Lys-ß-urogastrone in vivo
Anne J Campbell, S S Adams, Mary W Davey and DA Titchen
pp. 463-474
BI9880475Immunofluorescent and Immunogold Localization of Glutamate Dehydrogenase in the Nodules of Soybean
MC Wang and I R Kennedy
pp. 475-488
BI9880489Inheritance of Tail Colour and White-spotting in Conilurus penicillatus (Muridae)
Catherine M Kemper and Lincoln H Schmitt
pp. 489-494
BI9880495Milk Composition in the Northern Brown Bandicoot, Isoodon macrourus (Peramelidae, Marsupialia)
JC Merchant and JA Libke
pp. 495-506
BI9880507Oestrogen Sulfotransferase: Molecular Cloning and Sequencing of cDNA for the Bovine Placental Enzyme
Allan R Nash, Wendy K Glenn, Stephen S Moore, Judith Kerr, Adrienne R Thompson and EOP Thompson
pp. 507-516
BI9880527Complete Nucleotide Sequence of the Bovine ß-casein Gene
John Bonsing, Jennifer M Ring, A Francis Stewart and Antony G Mackinlay
pp. 527-538
BI9880539The Fate of Tritiated rm-Epidermal Growth Factor in the Sheep: Validation of the Labelling Procedure and Rate of Tissue Clearance
IH O'Keefe, LF Sharry and BA Panaretto
pp. 539-552
BI9880553Group-specific and Type-specific Gel Diffusion Precipitin Tests for Bluetongue Virus Serotype 20 and Related Viruses
JM Sharp, I R Littlejohns and T D St George
pp. 553-562
BI9880563The Occurrence of Antibody to Bluetongue Virus in New South Wales. ' I. Statewide Surveys of Cattle and Sheep
RW Burton and I R Littiejohns
pp. 563-570
BI9880571The Occurrence of Antibody to Bluetongue Virus in New South Wales. II. Coastal Region and Age Distribution Surveys
I R Littlejohns and RW Burton
pp. 571-578
BI9880579Bluetongue and Related Viruses in New South Wales: Isolations from, and Serological Tests on Samples from Sentinel Cattle
I R Littlejohns, RW Burton and I M Sharp
pp. 579-588
BI9880589Effects of Scopolamine Hydrobromide on the Development of the Chick and Rabbit Embryo
WG McBride, PH Vardy and J French
pp. 589-590