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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

The Occurrence of Antibody to Bluetongue Virus in New South Wales. ' I. Statewide Surveys of Cattle and Sheep

RW Burton and I R Littiejohns

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 41(4) 563 - 570
Published: 1988


Two State-wide surveys were carried out in 1978 to detect bluetongue (BLU) virus antibody in cattle and sheep sera in New South Wales (NSW). The first survey showed that BLU group antibody in cattle 18-24 months old was confined to the coastal regions (east of the Great Dividing Range) and the Hunter Valley. However, in the second survey, of cattle more than 5 years old, reactors were much more widely distributed over the north-eastern third of the State and into the western division with prevalences up to 85% in some areas. In contrast, very few reactors were detected in sheep in either survey (less than 1 % of the sheep sera tested).

© CSIRO 1988

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