Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 38 Number 4 1985
Tomohiko Suzuki, Takanobu Suzuki and Tohru Yata
pp. 347-354
BI9850355Effects of Zinc Deficiency on the Wool Growth, Skin and Wool Follicles of Pre-ruminant Lambs
DG Masters, RE Chapman and JD Vaughan
pp. 355-364
BI9850377Flow Cytometry and Flow Sorting of Metaphase Chromosomes from the Dasyurid Marsupial Dasyurus viverrinus
Brandon Wainwright and Rory Hope
pp. 377-382
BI9850383Studies on the Accumulation of Putrescine and Spermidine in Escherichia coli
AJ Smigielski, ME Muir and BJ Wallace
pp. 383-392
BI9850393Gastro-intestinal Tract Function in Sheep Infused with Somatostatin
TN Barry, GJ Faichney and Carolyn Redekopp
pp. 393-404
BI9850405Effect on Wool Growth of Thyroxine Replacement in Thyroidectomized Merino Rams
S Maddocks, Y Chandrasekhar and BP Setchell
pp. 405-410
BI9850411Influence of Environmental Factors on the Metabolism of Glucose by Preimplantation Mouse Embryos in vitro
WR Edirisinghe and RG Wales
pp. 411-420
BI9850421Metabolism of Glucose by Preimplantation Mouse Embryos in the Presence of Glucagon, Insulin, Epinephrine, cAMP, Theophylline and Caffeine
RG Wales, NK Khurana, WR Edirisinghe and I L Pike
pp. 421-428
BI9850429Quantitative Studies of Compensatory Testicular Hypertrophy Following Unilateral Castration in the Boar
DK H Putra and AW Blackshaw
pp. 429-434
BI9850435Autoradiographical Localization of Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone (LHRH) Receptors on Rat Testicular Intertubular Cells Fractionated on Percoll Density Gradients
MP Hedger, OP Risbridger and DM de Kretser
pp. 435-444
BI9850445Testosterone Response of Cryptorchid and Hypophysectomized Rats to Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) Stimulation
Y M Hodgson and DM de Kretser
pp. 445-456