Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 30 Number 6 1977
WK Fisher, AR Nash and EOP Thompson
pp. 487-506
BI9770507Some Properties of Human Skeletal Muscle Creatine Kinase
CS Lee, GA Nicholson and WJ O'Sullivan
pp. 507-518
BI9770543Purification and Properties of the Pyrrolidonecarboxylate Peptidase of Streptococcus faecium
JJ Sullivan, EE Muchnicky, BE Davidson and G RJago
pp. 543-552
BI9770573Artificial Induction of Lactation in Ewes: The Use of Prostaglandin
WJ Fulkerson, GH McDowell, RD Hooley and LR Fell
pp. 573-576