Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 30 Number 3 1977
BI9770183The Regulation of Gluconeogenesis in Pouch Young of the Tammar Wallaby, Macropus eugenii (Desmarest)
Peter A Janssens, Lynette A Jenkinson, Barbara C Paton and Emma Whitelaw
pp. 183-196
BI9770197Effect of Lipid Solvents on Cutaneous Moisture Loss
PG Hiley, Y S Pan, D Robertshaw and JE Vercoe
pp. 197-202
BI9770203Fate of Cyst(e)ine Synthesized by Microbial Activity in the Ruminant Caecum
R Elliott and DA Little
pp. 203-206
BI9770207Responses of Thyroid Activity to Feed Restriction in the Goat
Rasedee Abdullah and I R Falconer
pp. 207-216
BI9770217Effect of Ingestion of Oestrogenic Clover on Luteinizing Hormone Release in the Ovariectomized Ewe
H Hearnshaw, IA Cuming and J RGoding
pp. 217-224
BI9770225Oestradiol and Progesterone: Soluble Receptor Levels and Metabolism in the Uterus of the Ovariectomized Ewe
Leigh Murphy, GM Stone, G Miller and NW Moore
pp. 225-228
BI9770229The Pattern of Follicular Growth and Atresia in the Ovine Ovary
KE Turnbull, AWH Braden and PE Mattner
pp. 229-242
BI9770243Analysis of Ovulation-Oviposition Patterns in the Domestic Fowl by Telemetry Measurement of Deep Body Temperature
L Wanda Bobr and BL Sheldon
pp. 243-258