Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 26 Number 5 1973
BI9731081Changes in the Tricarboxylic acid Cycle Acids in Potatoes After Anaerobiosis
MA Aziz khan
pp. 1081-1086
BI9731087Characterization of an Isolate of Phytophthora Nicotianae Var. Nicotianae From North Queensland
CJ Shepherd and BH Pratt
pp. 1087-1094
BI9731095Separation of Two Ecotypes of Phytophthora Drechsleri Tucker Occurring in Australian Native Forests
CJ Shepherd and BH Pratt
pp. 1095-1108
BI9731109The Role of Alternative Hosts in Survival of Phytophthora Drechsleri
EJ Cother and DM Griffin
pp. 1109-1114
BI9731115The Rapid Movement of the Bladder of Utricularia Sp
PH Sydenham and GP Findlay
pp. 1115-1126
BI9731137A Mathematical Approach to the Prediction of Differences in the Relative Ability of Races of Puccinia Graminis Tritici to Survive When Mixed
Helen J Ogle, NW Taylor and JF Brown
pp. 1137-1144
BI9731153The distribution of Red Cell Lactate Dehydrogenase Types in Gray Kangaroos
Peggy Clark and WE Poole
pp. 1153-1160
BI9731171Effect of High Ambient Temperature in Early and Late Lactation on Litter Growth and Survival in Rats
Helen Hearnshaw and Manika Wodzicka-Tomaszewska
pp. 1171-1178
BI9731179The Utilization by Growth Lambs of a Casein-Saffower Oil Supplement Treated With Formaldehyde
GJ Faichney, TW Scott and LJ Cook
pp. 1179-1188
BI9731201Effect of Feefing Protected Lipid on the Uptake of Precursors of Milk Fat by the Bovine Mammary Gland
JM Gooden and AK Lascelles
pp. 1201-1210
BI9731221Erythrocyte Glutathione Level in Relation to Haemoglobin Tybe in Rajasthan Desert Sheep
S D Kalla and PK Ghosh
pp. 1221-1224