Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 23 Number 4 1970
BI9700743The Phloem of the Wheat Stem in Relation to Requirements for Assimilate by The Ear
LT Evans, RL Dunstone, HM Rawson and RF Williams
pp. 743-752
BI9700783A Special Type of Tracheary Element Associated with "Xylem Discontinuity" in the Floral Axis of Wheat
SY Zee and TP O'brien
pp. 783-792
BI9700793Electron-Microscopic Investigation of the Flora of Sheep Alimentary Tract
NJ Hoogenraad and FJR Hird
pp. 793-808
BI9700831Indospicine, a Hepatotoxic Amino Acid from Indigofera Spicat A: Isolation, Structure, and Biological Studies
MP Hegarty and AW Pound
pp. 831-842
BI9700867Genes of Large Effect and the Shape of the Distribution of a Quantitative Character
K Hammond and JW James
pp. 867-876
BI9700877Metabolism of Specifically Labelled Pyruvate by Mouse Embryos During Culture from the Two-Cell Stage to the Blastocyst
RG Wales and DG Whittingham
pp. 877-888
BI9700889Studies of the Fixation of Carbon Dioxide by Washed Ram Spermatozoa
T O'shea and RG Wales
pp. 889-902
BI9700915The Effect of Feeding and Salivation on Acid-Base Status in Carotid and Jugular Blood in Sheep
AW Billitzer and IG Jarrett
pp. 915-924
BI9700937Interrelations Between Growth and Photosynthesis of Salt Bush (Atriplex Halimus L.) Grown in Saline Media
J Gale and A Poljakoff-Mayber
pp. 937-946
BI9700947Growth of Atriplex Halimus L. in Sodium Chloride Salinated Culture Solutions as Affected by The Relative Humidity of the Air
J Gale, R Naaman and A Poljakoff-Mayber
pp. 947-952
BI9701005Synthesis and Breakdown of ß-L,3-Glucan in Euglena Gracilis During Growth and Carbon Depletion
Margaret R Dwyer, J Smydzuk and Robert M Smillie
pp. 1005-1014
BI9701027Host Reactions Involved in the Recovery of Apricot Trees from Verticillium Wilt
AF Harrison and BG Clare
pp. 1027-1032
BI9701047Effects of Temperature on Membrane Permeability to Ions
AB Hope and PA Aschberger
pp. 1047-1060
BI9701061Selection for Constancy of Expression of the Tabby Gene in the Mouse
AG Lyne, RC Henrikson and DE Hollis
pp. 1047-1066
BI9701067Development of the Epidermis of the Marsupial Trichosurus Vulpecula
AM Downes, PJ Reis, LF Sharry and DA Tunks
pp. 1067-1076
BI9701105Nuclear Distribution in Vegetative Cells of Ophiobolus Graminis and other Cereal Root Pathogens
SC Mills, TW Scott, GR Russell and RM Smith
pp. 1105-1108
BI9701109Hydrogenation of C18 Unsaturated Fatty Acids by Pure Cultures of a Rumen Micrococcus
SC Mills, TW Scott, GR Russell and RM Smith
pp. 1109-1114