Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 23 Number 1 1970
BI9700043The Effeots of the Dipyridyl Diquat on the Metabolism of Chlorella Vulgaris I. Gas Exchange in the Light
JS Turner, DM Stokes and Lynnor B Gilmore
pp. 43-62
BI9700063Ultrastructure of Specialized Parenchyma Cells in the Leaf Blades of the Sensitive Plant Mimosa Pudica L
RFM Van Steveninok and Margaret E Van Steveninok
pp. 63-70
BI9700071Cell Division in Oedogonium II. Nuclear Division in O. Cardiacum
JD Pickett-Heaps and LC Fowke
pp. 71-92
BI9700093Cell Division in Oedogoniu M III. Golgi Bodies, Wall Structure, and Wall Formation in O. Cardiagum
JD Pickett-Heaps and LC Fowke
pp. 93-114
BI9700115Observations on the Relationship Between Mcoplasma-Like Bodies and Host Cells of Legume Little Leaf-Diseased Plants
JW Bowyer and JG Atherton
pp. 115-126
BI9700149The Influence of Sulphur-Containing Amino Acids on the Biosynthesis of High-Sulphur Wool Proteins
Andrea Broad, JM Gillespie and PJ Reis
pp. 149-164
BI9700201An Analysis of Growth Processes in Cattle Coats and their Relations to Coat Type and Body Weight Gain
HG Turner and AV Schleger
pp. 201-218
BI9700219The Absorption and Metabolism of [14c]Ddt in Ddt-Resistant and Susceptible Strains of the Cattle Tick Boophilus Microplus
HJ Sohnitzerling, WJ Roulston and CA Sohuntneb
pp. 219-230
BI9700231Polar and Lateral Transport of Water in an Apple Tree
DW West, WK Thompson and JDF Black
pp. 231-234
BI9700235A Serum Amylase Polymorphism in Populations of the Brush-Tailed Possum Trichosurus Vulpecula
RM Hope and DJ Finnegan
pp. 235-240
BI9700241Turtle Epidermis: Electron Microscopic Observations on a Granular Component of Malpighian Cells
RC Henrikson and AG Matoltsy
pp. 241-244