Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 22 Number 3 1969
JR Mcwilliam, BDH Latter and M JMathison
pp. 493-504
BI9690535Interaction Between Calcium Level and Nitrogen Source on Growth and 45ca Distribution In Subterranean Clover
CR Millikan, BC Hanger and EN Bjarnason
pp. 535-544
BI9690559Timing of Evocation and Development of Flowers in Pharbitis Nil
RW King and LT Evans
pp. 559-572
BI9690585The Eleotroohemical State of Oells of Broad Bean Roots II. Potassium Kinetics in Excised Root Tissue
CKP Allaghy and BIH Scott
pp. 585-600
BI9690629The Feeding Sites in Songhus Olerageus of Hyperomyzus Lagtugae, the Aphid Vector of Lettuce Necrotic Yellows Virus
G T O'loughlin and TC Chambers
pp. 629-638
BI9690639Fine Structure and Electron Cytochemical Studies of Sclerotium Rolfsii Sacc
NG Nair, NH White, DM Griffin and Suzanne Blair
pp. 639-652
BI9690653Observations on the Development and Struoture of the Vitelline Membrane of the Hen's Egg: An Eleotron Miorosoope Study
Joan M Bain and Janice M Hall
pp. 653-666
BI9690667Reproductive Performance and Body Weights of Mice Maintained for 12 Generations at 34°C
Pamela R Pennycuik
pp. 667-676
BI9690709Further Studies of The Deep Freezing of Rabbit Spermatozoa In Reconstituted Skim Milk Powder
T O'shea and RG Wales
pp. 709-720
BI9690761Effects of Exogenous Moulting Hormones on Puparium Formation in Calliphora
JA Thomson and DHS Horn
pp. 761-766