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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Observations on the Development and Struoture of the Vitelline Membrane of the Hen's Egg: An Eleotron Miorosoope Study

Joan M Bain and Janice M Hall

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 22(3) 653 - 666
Published: 1969


Stages in the development of the outer layer of the vitelline membrane of a hen's egg have been observed in an egg found in the infundibulum of a sacrificed White Leghorn hen. Tissue from the infundibulum and the underlying egg yolk material was taken at increasing distances from the upper end of the egg and the relationship between the secretory cells of the infundibulum and the vitelline mem-brane observed. The structure of the vitelline membrane in ova just liberated from the ovary and not yet in the oviduct and that of the vitelline membrane in new-laid eggs from other White Leghorn hens were observed for comparison.

© CSIRO 1969

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