Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 13 Number 1 1960
BI9600001Uptake of Mannitol Into the Shoots of Intact Barley Plants
H Groenewegen and JA Mills
pp. 1-4
BI9600005Membrane Stability in Micrococcus Lysodeikticus and its Protoplasts
AR Gilby and AV Few
pp. 5-13
BI9600036Selection for Canalization of the Scute Phenotype in Drosophila Melanogaster
JM Rendel and BL Sheldon
pp. 36-47
BI9600048Selection for an Invariant Character, Vibrissa Number, in the House Mouse II. Limits to Variability
AS Fraser and BM Kindred
pp. 48-58
BI9600059Cystine and Glutathione Reductases in the Clothes Moth Tineola Bisselliella
RF Powning and H Irzykiewicz
pp. 59-68
BI9600069The Effect of Temperature on the Chromatography of Insulin on Deae-Cellulose
IJ O'donnell and EOP Thompson
pp. 69-80
BI9600104Nitrate Accumulation in Relation to Molybdenum Deficiency Leaf Scorch Symptoms
LF Notley and GL Wilson
pp. 104-106