The Goitrogen 3-Hydroxy-4(1H)-Pyridone, a RuminaI Metabolite From Leucaena Leucocephala: Effects in Mice and Rats
MP Hegarty, Chew Phong Lee, GS Christie, RD Court and KP Haydock
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
32(1) 27 - 40
Published: 1979
Mice fed a diet containing 1 % (w/w) 3-hydroxy-4(IH)-pyridone (DHP) developed goitre even with a diet high in iodine whereas mimosine (0·5% w/w) did not produce goitre even with a low-iodine diet. Thyroid enlargement was apparent (measured morphometrically) by the 7th week and was advanced by the 11 th week. Histologically the goitre was hyperplastic in type. No marked histological changes were found in other organs of mice fed DHP or any organs of mice fed mimosine, except for soine atrophy of hair follicles.
© CSIRO 1979