Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 32 Number 1 1979
BI9790001Growth, Reproductive Productivity and Longevity of Mice Fed Polyunsaturated Ruminant-Derived Foodstuffs
AC Fogerty, Pamela R Pennycuik, Margot C Ferris, RI Baxter and AR Johnson
pp. 1-14
BI9790015Metabolism and Defluorination of Fluoroacetate in the Brush-Tailed Possum (Trichosurus Vulpecula)
RJ Mead, AJ Oliver and DR King
pp. 15-26
BI9790027The Goitrogen 3-Hydroxy-4(1H)-Pyridone, a RuminaI Metabolite From Leucaena Leucocephala: Effects in Mice and Rats
MP Hegarty, Chew Phong Lee, GS Christie, RD Court and KP Haydock
pp. 27-40
BI9790077Synergistic Effects of Thiocyanate With Flumethasone in Inhibiting Wool Growth in Merino Wethers
BA Panaretto and ALC Wallace
pp. 77-90
BI9790091Ovarian Response to Exogenous Hormones in Six-Week-Old Lambs
CaroI A Worthington and JP Kennedy
pp. 91-96
BI9790097The Failure of a Prostaglandin F2a Analogue, Cloprostenol, to Initiate Lactation in Cattle
AW Gray, D Hooley and WJ Fulkerson
pp. 97-100
BI9790101Factors Affecting the Viability of Frozen Stored Cattle Embryos
RJ Bilton and NW Moore
pp. 101-108
BI9790109Prostaglandin F2a-Induced Prolactin Release and Luteolysis in the Goat
GR McMahon, RP Shearman, DA Shutt and I D Smith
pp. 109-114
BI9790115Cytogenetical Studies in Wheat. IX. Monosomic Analyses, Telocentric Mapping and Linkage Relationships of Genes Sr21, Pm4 and Mle
TT The, RA McIntosh and Fiona GA Bennett
pp. 115-126