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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Ultra-High-Sulphur Proteins in the Hairs of the Artiodactyla

JM Gillespie and Andrea Broad

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 25(1) 139 - 146
Published: 1972


Wool follicles are potentially able to synthesize specific high.sulphur proteins in which about 30% of the amino acid residues are half-cystine (Gillespie and Reis 1966). The amount of these proteins incorporated into the fibre is related to the availability of sulphur-containing amino acids for metabolism in the sheep. There is a linear relation between the sulphur content of a wool fibre and its content of these proteins (Broad, Gillespie, and Reis 1970).

© CSIRO 1972

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