Observations on the Relationship Between Mcoplasma-Like Bodies and Host Cells of Legume Little Leaf-Diseased Plants
JW Bowyer and JG Atherton
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
23(1) 115 - 126
Published: 1970
When seotions of the abnormal green petals and ovary of flowers from oowpea [Vigna BinenBiB (L.) Savi ex Haask] affeoted by legume little leaf disease, were examined byeleotron miorosoopy, numerous Mycoplasma-like bodies were observed in oertain sieve tube elements. Beoause of the looation of some of the bodies in sieve plate pores, it is suggested that they pass between sieve tube elements of the phloem via the sieve pores. Presumably this movement is involved in the systemio infeotion of the planthttps://doi.org/10.1071/BI9700115
© CSIRO 1970